Last night was good and I'm not too bad off today.
The meet-up started off a little slow, especially since I didn't know most of the SG specific topics of conversation. Once that passed and the air became more comfortable, it was cool. It definitely would have been better if the SGBC people could have hung around and had a drink.
After the SGBC crew left, LukiePlatz and I went back to the Mecca and then headed off to Viceroy for an afterparty for the LCD Soundsystem show. I'm so not scene. It was interesting people watching for a while, though if LukiePlatz and his friends weren't around I would have bolted a lot sooner. I liked some of the styles I saw but I couldn't help but wonder whether these are really the hip kids.
After that we headed off to Queen Anne and listened to the Cure with a lot of digital static bursts or something going on, while the TV was on random shit with the sound muted. There was a passive-aggressive cat and wine.
I thought I was hitching a ride with LukiePlatz's friend back to Greenlake and instead the guy took me down to West Seattle. For some reason he decided to make chicken at four in the morning and it was good. I think he put mayo on it and lots of pepper before it went in the oven.
Yet again, I've found that late nights and boozing can't prevent these relatively early mornings that my Dad's visit started for me. I woke up around nine and just laid there on the fold-out bed, occasionally playing with the cat, for a couple of hours until I could get a ride home. I didn't get in to work until two-thirty and it doesn't make a bit of difference. For a professional, non-artistic job this is pretty damn good.
The meet-up started off a little slow, especially since I didn't know most of the SG specific topics of conversation. Once that passed and the air became more comfortable, it was cool. It definitely would have been better if the SGBC people could have hung around and had a drink.
After the SGBC crew left, LukiePlatz and I went back to the Mecca and then headed off to Viceroy for an afterparty for the LCD Soundsystem show. I'm so not scene. It was interesting people watching for a while, though if LukiePlatz and his friends weren't around I would have bolted a lot sooner. I liked some of the styles I saw but I couldn't help but wonder whether these are really the hip kids.
After that we headed off to Queen Anne and listened to the Cure with a lot of digital static bursts or something going on, while the TV was on random shit with the sound muted. There was a passive-aggressive cat and wine.
I thought I was hitching a ride with LukiePlatz's friend back to Greenlake and instead the guy took me down to West Seattle. For some reason he decided to make chicken at four in the morning and it was good. I think he put mayo on it and lots of pepper before it went in the oven.
Yet again, I've found that late nights and boozing can't prevent these relatively early mornings that my Dad's visit started for me. I woke up around nine and just laid there on the fold-out bed, occasionally playing with the cat, for a couple of hours until I could get a ride home. I didn't get in to work until two-thirty and it doesn't make a bit of difference. For a professional, non-artistic job this is pretty damn good.
hey, good to hear from you. nope, there doesn't seem to be any SG people near me unfortunately
shame, i could do with more of a social life! it's good that you met some, sounds like you've been getting on well with them!

sounds like you had a pretty good time