Friday May 02, 2003 May 2, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Maybe one day I'll write a real journal entry. nah... Pop Quiz: -whats the raunchiest thing a stranger has ever done to you? VIEW 25 of 59 COMMENTS kinto: Beautiful girl in a club saw me, walked towards me & began kissing me. I still find it unbelievably awesome many years after K PS: thanx for your entry in my journal. Call again sometimes ! May 4, 2003 stacie: back from the food festival.. florida is soooo fucking hot.. got some good vittles, and ate a lot, and was all sweaty..ew. but home and showered now im counting down the days with ya May 4, 2003
PS: thanx for your entry in my journal. Call again sometimes !
im counting down the days with ya