speak to me when I cannot hear your words, lonely bedrooms and forgotten fantasies.
I walked along the edge of where the sand meets the sidewalk, I smelled the air drenched in mist and salt, cut my foot on my shoes and I think there's glass in there somewhere but I'm not sure. I think it hurts but I can't remember, shut off a long time ago and now just fumbling in the dark for the switch.
liquid therapy leaves me dry, sour on the insides.
I walked along the edge of where the sand meets the sidewalk, I smelled the air drenched in mist and salt, cut my foot on my shoes and I think there's glass in there somewhere but I'm not sure. I think it hurts but I can't remember, shut off a long time ago and now just fumbling in the dark for the switch.
liquid therapy leaves me dry, sour on the insides.
9:30ish. work for you?