On February 13, 2009, one of my closest friends lost an ongoing battle with cancer.
Lou Genise was a multi-faceted man : a writer, fire performer, clown, poet, artist, philosopher, avid participant in the Burning Man community, and more so than anything else, a good, solid friend. Even through the toughest times during his illness, he had a smile on his face, never letting it get the best of him. He truly valued and cherished every moment, and lived life to the fullest, and because of that, every moment anyone was lucky enough to spend with him remains a bright, happy memory. The world is a far dimmer place without him in it now.
Lou participated in numerous experimental treatments for cancer after being diagnosed, and thus aiding future patients to perhaps one day receive a treatment that would result in a full cured recovery. In light of that, his friends and family have asked that donations are made in honor of his name to his primary treatment facility, The City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.
I am hoping to raise $1,000 for this cause. Any amount is welcome, and any contribution of $25 or more will receive an 8x10 print of the photo of 18 Suicide Girls above, all raising their fists and yelling FUCK CANCER, taken by none other than Cherry Vega, an extraordinary photographer and individual.
The print features (from left to right) Friskey, Blaze, Nya, Lee, Vice, Snow, Clio, Bunni, JoLeigh, Vivid, Ajilee, James, Rambo, Rigel, Evette, Radeo, Lyxzen, and Mantis. I would like to thank each of those girls for participating in this charity, along with the staff of Suicide Girls and Mike Marshall. It means the world to me.
Edited to Add :
I am totally overwhelmed by the enormous generosity that has been exhibited. We are rapidly approaching our goal amount, and will hopefully soar over it.
Thank you everyone that has contributed to this cause, whether it be monetarily, with a re-post, or with sympathies!
you are phenomenal !!!!!!