-I'm wearing tighty whities
-they make me feel like a real man
-black bra
-faded lipstick
-silver watch
-waiting for the caffeine high
-waiting for the next cigarette
-don't pretend like you don't see
-i want to poke at you with a stick
-just to see you twich
-they make me feel like a real man
-black bra
-faded lipstick
-silver watch
-waiting for the caffeine high
-waiting for the next cigarette
-don't pretend like you don't see
-i want to poke at you with a stick
-just to see you twich
Shit, that would explain a hell of a lot.
I could have used that the other day when i told a guy at work to , shuv his *(*& ( E%%$^ $@&*** *%)@$.
I'm a boxer brief man, myself.