this weekend rocked. went out with some old friends shoot some pool drank way to much.. then had a nice drunken stroll on the beach to end the night. god i havent done that in ages. we must have walked for about 2 miles all said and done.
today i talked with my artist who is booked to hell and back.. going to start my back early november.
wish it was sooner but he is worth the wait. who knows maybe someone will flake and i can get in before then.
on a side note. im lookin for a new place to live. sooo if anyone has a room or knows of someone with a room for rent in the OC area let me know.
today i talked with my artist who is booked to hell and back.. going to start my back early november.
on a side note. im lookin for a new place to live. sooo if anyone has a room or knows of someone with a room for rent in the OC area let me know.
mondays allways suck ecept for this monday