Is what they have me type out when they run into people who were talking smack in here to you women to get this man away from you, and some if it was to get people to stop helping him get rid of what is going on..

He recently asked God to also take what is going to ve heading Putin's way, as well as...
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First of all, this is not all about me, although they say im gorgeous okay, but its your words david, daddy, sire...

Okay but can my females practice on you?

They need to hunt.. they are my lionesses...

They have to treat each other equallly dont they?

In all things.. sexually, emotionally, supportively, spiritually, intimately, physically (not just sexually), and mentally.

No, dont have them...
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So... Blessing kept me from asking for something i dont want to tell you much about..

Suffice it to say im alive because of her.. and mon amour and mon esprit de lionne.

"Omg david seguin really saved our warthog" about every 20 minutes for several hours a day..

4 days of this.

Did any of you do that?

No.. then the suicide girls were...
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They have done something really wrong.. so wrong its ... I find this crazy but the situation im in is messed up.

I dont know how many of you they have tried to hook me up with, but i can tell you two of the women they tried to hook me up with does porn..

They did porn while i was out trying not to...
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Basically, if you want to talk to me on the spiritual plane, and would absolutely love to know for a fact you are in here, it's one of the many things I've been doing for women.

A ton of people have done this with me, some males without permission and they don't have permission to do this at all anyway, but there are women I...
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Ill try to be as honest as possible, don't think anyone will care to read it, but hey, might as well. I don't know exactly what everyone was doing to get my attention and or anyone else's attention, or my wives attention like they were..

It's wierd, the occult and demonic rituals and everything else going on.. then there were things going on spiritual in...
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I have no idea what the f actually happened all year... People wasting my time. Did you see how I talk to a woman when I'm hitting on her? Why would you waste your time on some one that won't touch your soul and make your heart leap like that? I'm just asking.

I mean I get it, horny right? Okay, so what you could...
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Well, first I was told the suicide girls were in My phone, and second I was told I talked to you about a relationship thing.. and that some of y'all were talking to me and each other about hooking up. Long story short, I have several gifts and abilities that are absolutely super natural and can prove it.

Now, I never wanted it cared to...
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My Blessing could have just told me who and where she was and I would not have had to deal with the extremely messed up year I have had, they said "Christmas David" yeah, and what happened on Christmas? I was home alone, again, because of everything every one did all year long and messing with me and breaking into my phone and personal life and breaking into my house, and my car, my storage unit, everything.. what the actual F?? Well I don't know why y'all even bothered trying to talk to me with the gifts I have if y'all are just going to go screw around and do what y'all did. It's okay at least this way everyone can just say I was crazy and never really spoke to anyone and I'm just off my rocker.. I mean sooner or later the CIA will come out of the wood work and actually tell me this was all real. Then I can be really mad at every one for ruining everything. We already know how much of this is true. It's a matter if why y'all decided to do this. I don't know who has been involved in this. So if you don't know, I'm not talking to you and there's a shit ton of stuff I need to tell you about what they've done to me ..
Amazing ❤️