Wow, my year has been really fuckin' weird... I've went from being engaged to being single again and before I knew it summer holidays have arrived... so I'm off to the mountains to mtn bike, hike fish and be nekkid... at least that's the plan for July... and then off to BC to visit friends in Vancouver and to whoop it up... I may even have time to keep my blog up to date now that I have an open schedule.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 20, 2006
Arrrgh, my week has been crazy... I have a wedding to shoot this week… -
Monday Jul 17, 2006
Wow, my weekend kicked ass!!! I got to spend some time fly fishing wh… -
Thursday Jul 13, 2006
What a shite day... just got a phone call from my school's principal.… -
Sunday Jul 09, 2006
Well, I had an interesting weekend... I took a course in stage combat… -
Thursday Jul 06, 2006
Man oh man... summer holidays suck... cause all you do is spend money… -
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
Well I've survived the Canada Day long weekend at Waterton National P… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
Ah, time for me to re-start the old blog... well another year has com… -
Saturday Jul 16, 2005
Holy crap it's been a while since I've been on here... looks like I h… -
Sunday May 30, 2004
Only 26 days left till my wreck beach summer vaction time... -
Wednesday Jun 18, 2003
Hey it's my first journal entry... so what should I say? Hmmm... that…