Wow, my year has been really fuckin' weird... I've went from being engaged to being single again and before I knew it summer holidays have arrived... so I'm off to the mountains to mtn bike, hike fish and be nekkid... at least that's the plan for July... and then off to BC to visit friends in Vancouver and to whoop it up... I may even have time to keep my blog up to date now that I have an open schedule.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 02, 2006
Holy flying catfish, it's been a while since I've updated my blog... … -
Monday Oct 30, 2006
Well it's been a while since I updated my blog here... but that's bec… -
Wednesday Oct 11, 2006
Thanksgiving weekend was great! My GF and I headed out towards Kamloo… -
Tuesday Oct 03, 2006
Well, Thanksgiving is this weekend and the GF and I are heading to Ka… -
Wednesday Sep 20, 2006
Well time to update the ol' blog... nothing much is new here... I'm t… -
Monday Sep 04, 2006
Well being back at work wasn't as bad as I thought... although start … -
Wednesday Aug 23, 2006
Ugg... back to work tomorrow... 2 months of summer funning is now off… -
Tuesday Aug 15, 2006
I just got back from my weekend. It was my best friend's stag party s… -
Thursday Aug 03, 2006
Well... it's nearly time for me to move again... although this time i… -
Saturday Jul 29, 2006
Bah... I've finally finished running my ass off... at least for one w…