I fucking hate Christmas shopping... and West Edmonton mall is a nightmare... it's like one of the biggest malls in the entire world, yes that's right biggest mall in the world in Edmonton Alberta... it's kinda cool to see if you're a tourist, take a look here if you want to see... it has a skating rink, water park (with wave pool), indoor amusement park with roller coaster, submarine rides, sea lion show and a fantasy room hotel... and of course lots of stores, stupid tourists and fucking dumb ass people who stop every five seconds in the middle of busy thoroughfares....
that's what I think about crimis shopping.
But the mall provides all the crap that I need to buy for people and I got all my shopping done in one trip... whew

But the mall provides all the crap that I need to buy for people and I got all my shopping done in one trip... whew

Well...good that you got it all done. I enjoy seeing lots of people shopping. It's more annoying when I need to get things that day. But, I love to people watch and xmas is the best time. But, I do agree, it's the same at theme parks. People just don't care. They totally forget they're manners. They shove past you, push you, stop and have a conversation in the middle of the walk way ugghh!!!!