Arrrgh, my week has been crazy... I have a wedding to shoot this weekend, and I've been running around getting pictures of the bride and groom for a presentation... and camera and sound equipment...and I've been running from printer to printer pricing out a project I'm doing for a local museum... and I have to build a deck on my parents house... I haven't had time to cook one meal this whole week... eating out is bad for me and bad for my wallet...I thought I was supposed to be on holiday... oh well, at least next week I get to go camping with my sister and my niece and a few friends, it'll be nice to get away to the mountains (yet again)... I just wish I could find a job closer to them... oh well, one can dream I suppose... oh, and here's a sample of what I'm working on... it's legacy project/mural/multi media display for a tractor museum...

Yes...I love your photo's...they're awesome!
I just use my trusty little Pentax Digi cam....a sorta glorified point and shoot.
but i would love to get into more art n stuff...actually develop my ;photogrophers eye' or something!
Take it easy....
oh...i have been eating out for the last few weeks too....may as well eat my money.heh...