What a shite day... just got a phone call from my school's principal... one of my colleagues died... this fuckin' sucks ... I don't know what else to say... I need more kleenex frown fuck
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. Someone that you see on a day to day basis. I hope you and their friends and family are doing well. I'm really sorry.
Well, I had an interesting weekend... I took a course in stage combat, so I learned to slap, punch, kick, throw and choke people... and I learned the basics of sword fighting... not that I'll ever need to actually use any of those skills outside of the theatre...

Tomorrow I head back to the mountains to get some riding in, my mountain bike has been...
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Man oh man... summer holidays suck... cause all you do is spend money you don't have... well... I'm sick and tired of being broke, and busting my ass... teaching just doesn't pay the bills, if I were payed hourly I'd own a home by now and I'd have my student loans payed off... but I'm on salary... and with the price of housing here in...
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Good Luck with that. That is absolutly a tough desiosion. Security is such a nice thing.
Well I've survived the Canada Day long weekend at Waterton National Park... I managed to get burnt to a crisp on a 20km hike which was well worth it! The view from the summit was spectacular, 360 degrees of peaks from Alberta, BC and Montana! I even managed to get some fly fishing in on the castle and crows nest rivers! It was a fantastic...
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You bet!!! Hook it up with those pictures.. Thanx for the comment. I did like the yoga, it's hard to do a 30 min. video with little ones. They think I'm doing poses for them to climb on me. I'm glad you had fun!!!
Great Pictues!!!!! The colors are so beautiful. Really good shots.
Ah, time for me to re-start the old blog... well another year has come and gone and it's summer holidays once again... whew... I thought this school year would never end! So what does this summer have in store for me? Who knows... that's why I have this blog... but I do know that I'm heading to Waterton National Park tomorrow for some camping and...
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make sure you bring a camera. i love camping pix
Not to worry, I take my cameras everywhere, afterall I wouldn't be much of a photography teacher if I didn't wink I'm sure my photos will please...
Holy crap it's been a while since I've been on here... looks like I have some work to do... check out the photos...
Only 26 days left till my wreck beach summer vaction time...
Hey it's my first journal entry... so what should I say? Hmmm... that's tough... I could write about the weather:

the rain smells refreshing, it cleanses the dirt from the cracks in the sidewalks and sends worms swimming in wild ecstasy, in little huge lakes of drowning lust, robin pickin's for the morning sunshine and the thunder reminds me that it's time for bed...

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