I'm sure I'm not the first (and the reason I bring this up is because of a recent post I made in Juliana's journal.) It's the conversation of sex. I'm not sure how familiar people are with Capoiera, this is a Brasilian martial art started by African slaves. Disguised as dancing to hide from their Portugese oppressors, this acrobatic martial artform is centered around the physical interaction between 2 people in a confined space, the horra (circle.) There is an aggressor and a defender, each could change in an instant, so the situation is volatile. But, in this martial art there is to be no contact. But, the speed can be break-neck and the strikes come dangerously close, here's where part of the skill comes from. (There are different forms, some are more like street fighting, but the more intricate styles discourage actual attacking.) While moving with each other there are standard moves. For every aggressive move there is an equal and complimentary defensive move. Each move has a name, each dance has a mood, sometimes there are extrememly energetic periods to a dance/fight, then there are more sensual, methodic and syruppy sessions. Or, there could be both in a single dance. This I relate closely to sex because of the different styles and rise and deflation of meeting between 2 people and the unspoken conversation that is occurring. When performed with skill and sincerity a connection has been made and your insides weep.
I forgot about the movie.........runs and rents it NOW!

Sex is an amazing thing, no? Its funny how quickly people pick up things, and how well you can improve it with practice. Glorious I tell you!