some how I've got a pass to the Ebert Fest, many great films to be seen, hope to meet some directors, actors, producers. It might be better to meet them before I know which film they were involved in, I ten to get star struck. I've met or seen a couple of people whose work I admire and I have been completely tongue tied and red faced. For example, met Joanna Newsome, actually I won't tell that story 'cause it makes me look very unsmooth, lets just say the conversation didn't last long, she had just given a show and was tired and hungry I'm sure. Will Oldham, Buck 65, saw Vincent Gallo once but couldn't work up the nerve to go talk to him.
if the weather doesn't break, this weekend will be quite good
just 2 more days
if the weather doesn't break, this weekend will be quite good
just 2 more days
I am the wrong person to ask.
I'm still trying to figure it out.

Chicago.. I wanna go.