Broke a couple fingers yesterday. My left pinky and ring finger. There's a crescent of bruise right behind my nail and I can't move them very well.
wanna know how it happened? well, I was tearing an 80lb. dog off of my 55lb. dog. I kicked it really hard about 4 times and the fucker wouldn't stop, so I grabbed it, picked it up in the air and slammed it on the ground, then it stopped. Unfortunately it's the dog of someone I know really well, so I can't really call the dog park officials, even though this is the third "major" incident that dog has had in 2 days! It's not her dog, it's her boyfriends dog, so maybe next time she won't bring a dog she can't control. Her boyfriends a puss too though so I'm not sure it would help. Later she tried to make nice by stopping by my house with chocolates and a cute note. she wants me
wanna know how it happened? well, I was tearing an 80lb. dog off of my 55lb. dog. I kicked it really hard about 4 times and the fucker wouldn't stop, so I grabbed it, picked it up in the air and slammed it on the ground, then it stopped. Unfortunately it's the dog of someone I know really well, so I can't really call the dog park officials, even though this is the third "major" incident that dog has had in 2 days! It's not her dog, it's her boyfriends dog, so maybe next time she won't bring a dog she can't control. Her boyfriends a puss too though so I'm not sure it would help. Later she tried to make nice by stopping by my house with chocolates and a cute note. she wants me
Anyway, Aesop Rock's new album is pretty tight. The production is what you'd expect. He even has a great live track. I was going to just download it on iTunes as I do most things but it comes with really great artwork, It has a lyrical anthology of all his songs. My verdict is it it's worth buying.
It still hasn't knocked MF Doom - Mm, Food out of the top rotation spot in my ipod yet though.
Oh, I went to U of I for a semester. One of my good friends here was born in Champaign. I'm from Chicago myself.