I forgot to mention that I spent saturday night with some of my roommates friends, and i hate to categorize but it's hard not to when people are begging for it...my roommate is one of those nomadic 30 somethings that refuses to give in to social precepts. He goes from town to town looking for a decent job, a place to skate and a place to rawk. His friends are mostly in their early 20s and "punk"...(pardon the quotes) but these kids are in a band (whoopie) and listening to them talk has got to be one of the funniest experiences ever. Young punk kids who "spainge" talk shit but in reality don't know shit about shit...90% of the evening was spent talking about starting/quitting smoking, a cocaine conversation, or how much of a celebrity this douche bag singer in the band was...then they tell me that most of them voted for Bush...I nearly lined them all up and bitch slapped them, something about "changing leaders in the middle of war"...there's just no arguiing with idiot punk kids. There's purpose for education and a work ethic...won't find me spainging on the corner, I got shit to do. They are a far cry from my friends little brother. I asked if they knew him...he's the kid who booked all the punk shows in our area since he was 16...they were like, "oh yeah, Greg...yeah, he was real political... always seemed ot have his shit together"
Being Punk is...or should be
1. Being Informed
2. Being Compassionate
3. Being pissed off at the right people
all you others, get a fucking clue
Being Punk is...or should be
1. Being Informed
2. Being Compassionate
3. Being pissed off at the right people
all you others, get a fucking clue
i'm going to be a paramedic soon. No 9-5 for me 

wow you get the prize of best line of the year. I will compare all lines to your line and i will make sure that everyone hears about this