dropped the class, probably won't get into grad school, probably sell my car to that money grubbing ho that won't give me what I deserve for it...all sacrifices to improve my quality of life...time to take control...if anyone has any awesome upbeat inspirational music about 20 somethings finding what's right for them and moving on out of the grey that'd be great. mmmkay?
all I'm really looking forward to is Fiery Furnaces on Feb. 25
all I'm really looking forward to is Fiery Furnaces on Feb. 25

I really love Rainer Maria when I'm feeling, err, well, helpless. It's melancholy, but hopeful. Also, when in a more pissed off yet exasperated mood I'll listen to the casket lottery. ANyway, I know how you feel. So feel better.

what type of film do you like? and sorry i cant really think of anything too uplifting or inspiratioinal now...