Stealing a bit from Margot_dent's update, but I thought it would be a good format for my update. She was interviewd by NPR about her upcoming Halloween weekend. Her answers were, well...not NPR quality, but honest. So I thought it would be fun to post the answers I would have given.
NPR: what're you going to do this weekend.
Foz: Still haven't pieced together my entire costume so I have to finish that. I'm going to be a sleazy 70's dude, not very inventive but I just want to do something I can have fun with. Got to get the stuff tonight because on Saturday I'm having a 50th birthday dinner for my mother at an awesome German restaurant in this little town not too far away. Actually I'm going to introduce my girlfriend to my family for the first time and we're both going to be dressed up in these rediculous sleazy 70's costumes. It's gonna be awesome.
NPR: Uh huh...what's your favorite scary movie.
Foz: Well, scary movies, I watched Freddy when I was really young so I feel desensitized to the whole genre of blood and guts. I'd say that drama is scarier to me than "horror" movies. So, the scariest thing I've ever seen done in a movie would have to be a scene in Strawdogs when Dustin Hoffman's girlfriend is being raped at gunpoint while he is off hunting with the local troglodytes.
NPR: Well...we have an extra hour this weekend because of daylight savings, what're you going to do with it?
Foz: No big plans. Probably sleep in a bit and cuddle with my lady. Then take me dog to the woods. Maybe I'll write some. I dunno.
NPR: what're you going to do this weekend.
Foz: Still haven't pieced together my entire costume so I have to finish that. I'm going to be a sleazy 70's dude, not very inventive but I just want to do something I can have fun with. Got to get the stuff tonight because on Saturday I'm having a 50th birthday dinner for my mother at an awesome German restaurant in this little town not too far away. Actually I'm going to introduce my girlfriend to my family for the first time and we're both going to be dressed up in these rediculous sleazy 70's costumes. It's gonna be awesome.
NPR: Uh huh...what's your favorite scary movie.
Foz: Well, scary movies, I watched Freddy when I was really young so I feel desensitized to the whole genre of blood and guts. I'd say that drama is scarier to me than "horror" movies. So, the scariest thing I've ever seen done in a movie would have to be a scene in Strawdogs when Dustin Hoffman's girlfriend is being raped at gunpoint while he is off hunting with the local troglodytes.
NPR: Well...we have an extra hour this weekend because of daylight savings, what're you going to do with it?
Foz: No big plans. Probably sleep in a bit and cuddle with my lady. Then take me dog to the woods. Maybe I'll write some. I dunno.

Hey. That's great, tell me about her, how long have you been together? Things are going OK here, but slow. I hate slow.