I guess you just choose to learn to love your body no matter what because either way you look at it, we have to live with it, right!? We have to look after it, care for it, Maintain it, heal it, groom it.. all that is in our control! Sadly though, gaining weight (from the late night takeaways, last month’s Halloween candy or whatever the case may be) natural body forming itself overtime and age is something we cannot control but obsessing over it is something we constantly do.
Learning to accept your body the way it becomes and forms naturally is a difficult process.. for everyone! But it’s certainly not impossible.. with time & mental healing, it’s possible to learn to accept your cellulite, roles, bumps, lumps & bruises. It’s taken me many years I thought I would never come to say this but I have come to the point that we don’t always need the filters, the smoothing of editing (although nice to see yourself in a form you may wish your body to be in) it isn’t realistic and what isn’t more beautiful than a woman with marks she wears as a trophy as such from having a beautiful baby or the experience of her weight journey, each and every stretch mark tells its story, and the same goes for bumps, lumps & cellulite. It makes each persons body different from the rest!
learn to love your body no matter what!
So here’s mine! Stretch marks, cellulite, rolls.. the full bundle! 🤗
Love yourself
Thanks guys! You are too sweet! It’s nice to hear your responses to this and your opinions on a official blog ive done properly for a change. I’m gunna try my best to do more soon if you guys enjoy my blogs so far, thank you 🙏🏻 again
LOVE your cute booty😍😍🍑😍😍🤘🏼🤘🏼