Well tomorrow is vday... whew what a joke for a holliday.. i mean i enjoy it but its just a silly way to make money. ne ways with that being said i think tomorrow for bryan and i will be a lazy sunday like they always are. we will wake up get breakfast and catch a afternoon snoose. and thank you that theres no more football so that means i wont be watching that all afternoon. dont get me wrong i like football but only when its my team. STEELERS!!! i love you boys. well life been going well i cant say much is going wrong bry and i have been together for about 1 year and 2 months now. were trying to find place to move into gether its a little expensive now i think it will be hard but well worth it. the search continues. i'm hopping we find a nice place soon. i'm so axious about it. and just as much as i am i believe my room mate cant wait to have me out either instead of taking the roommate off our couch hed rather leave her there and turn my room into a office hes such a fuckin tool bag poor girl on the couch shows how much more important his feelings are than ne ones eles he really is the biggest d bag i think i ve ever know.... blah i'm never allowed to have company over even tho i pay have the rent. i fucking hate him.!!! i didnt intend for this blog to be a bitch fest but he really sucks and i needed to get that off my chest,. ha and if it botherd you that i bitched this hole time dont read my blogs hahha wow i think i'm gonna be getting my periiod soon...