So I am the proud new owner of a customly made machine by my friend and co worker buzz...he's been selling his machines over ebay for some time now and he's doing well at it..I have my power supply, i got my cords and pedal, I'm just waiting for everything else to come...then I'm going to TATTTTTOOOOOOO!!!
I have a live painting tomorrow at some...
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I have a live painting tomorrow at some...
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is your a machine a widget? or maybe an orange harvesting machine? a chicken plucking machine?
I always have art opening on the shittiest fucking weather..last night it was so cold that not too many people made it out. I had a great time with people I was with. We drank free sangria all night lone and had a blast. I ended up selling two small pieces which is GREAT! Now I can buy the tattoo machine I wanted..yayaya
today was...
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today was...
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Any plans for new ink for me?? hehe

Congrats on the sales! What Tattoo machine were you going to get?
I have my art show today! AHHHHHHHHHH I've been running around like crazy!
I got a weird message from my ex asking if I wanted my entertainment unit back *Which I gave to him like 4 years ago* It's worthless and cheaply would cost him more to send it back to me then it would to buy a new one..haha ahhh men...they are so...
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I got a weird message from my ex asking if I wanted my entertainment unit back *Which I gave to him like 4 years ago* It's worthless and cheaply would cost him more to send it back to me then it would to buy a new one..haha ahhh men...they are so...
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How was the show? Awesome?
Credit cards are the devil. I keep buying cool stuff with mine but now I have to actually pay them back. How's that fair?
Credit cards are the devil. I keep buying cool stuff with mine but now I have to actually pay them back. How's that fair?
Good luck at the show if it hasn't happened already. If it did happen, let me know how it went! 

bla bla bla I'm still alive....
I'm having an art show comming up this sunday..just a little thing..I've been busy working towards that..
Other then that it's been sooooooooooooo freaking slow at work..makes me want to cry.. But I start reading narnia..I wonderful book..
doobie doobie dooobie
I'm having an art show comming up this sunday..just a little thing..I've been busy working towards that..
Other then that it's been sooooooooooooo freaking slow at work..makes me want to cry.. But I start reading narnia..I wonderful book..
doobie doobie dooobie

Good luck with your art show. I'd check it out if I wasn't a million miles south of Canada.
I kind of want to read Narnia but I read another book by C.S. Lewis and I didn't really like his writing and the book was pretty preachy.

I kind of want to read Narnia but I read another book by C.S. Lewis and I didn't really like his writing and the book was pretty preachy.
It's freeeeeeeeeeeezing ass cold in ottawa today! The wind is enough to blow you over..and make you want to pee REALLY badly..
...and in dire need to peee I ran into my place really fast...and walked in on my roomie getting it on...ooohhh nooo!
ahh well..
I'm signing up for a gym membership so I can be a little active in the winter..I need something...
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...and in dire need to peee I ran into my place really fast...and walked in on my roomie getting it on...ooohhh nooo!
ahh well..
I'm signing up for a gym membership so I can be a little active in the winter..I need something...
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I hpoe your holiday was wonderful.
the wind makes you wanna pee??
i never heard of that before...
so what's new?

i never heard of that before...
so what's new?
dressed as bettie page
I know..I know..I'm a naughty girl..I haven't updated in AGES! haha
Things are going great.. I got a new man now..he's hansom as all hell! yes!
Things are going good at the shop..we got a new piercer and tatooist..
I got a new bee tattoo, my flower finished AND my oldie flowers recolored... I took out the navel ring cause it was being a bitch.....
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Things are going great.. I got a new man now..he's hansom as all hell! yes!
Things are going good at the shop..we got a new piercer and tatooist..
I got a new bee tattoo, my flower finished AND my oldie flowers recolored... I took out the navel ring cause it was being a bitch.....
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If it isn't gonna hurt, then I don't wanna play

So I've been learning more and more about tattooing...I'm really interested..It's something I think I can do and hope it turns out...I know it's going to take alot of time to learn but I think I can do it..
My slumps comes and goes..I'm either really happy or really depressed..I can't help it..But I'm feeling better today...better is good..
I take a long wak to...
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My slumps comes and goes..I'm either really happy or really depressed..I can't help it..But I'm feeling better today...better is good..
I take a long wak to...
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Hey baybeeeeeeeeee! lookin gewwwwwd
argh! I want a job at a tattoo parlour.....know any that need desk-girls??
and yes...better is gewwwwd......if you ever feel sad, just think of some of our mutual loser friends here in O-town and how with the push of one teeeeeny tiiiiny metal stilleto they could be next week's globby grafitti piece on Dalhousie

argh! I want a job at a tattoo parlour.....know any that need desk-girls??
and yes...better is gewwwwd......if you ever feel sad, just think of some of our mutual loser friends here in O-town and how with the push of one teeeeeny tiiiiny metal stilleto they could be next week's globby grafitti piece on Dalhousie

So, how's it going? Good I hope 

I've been in a slump lately..mainly because my internet connection sucks and I've been busy outisde the house..mostly going out and meeting new people..
My halloween was awesome...I dressed as bettie page..woo..I went ot a house part on sat, I met a young hot boy..meow meow..anyways it was fun..
On monday I got royaly trashed at zaphods with the roomie...She met a boy..I met the...
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My halloween was awesome...I dressed as bettie page..woo..I went ot a house part on sat, I met a young hot boy..meow meow..anyways it was fun..
On monday I got royaly trashed at zaphods with the roomie...She met a boy..I met the...
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Thanks for the birthday wishes! Sorry to hear about the slump...I've been feeling the same lately as well.
Any photos of the Halloween outfit?
Any photos of the Halloween outfit?

I did something crazy wild tonight...I did a branding on a friend of mine..Then we tinted it with tattoo was a CRAZY run of adrenaline..We tinted it after with green ink..I'll post some pics once i get some..
I also got my septum pierc ed today by a appentice at my work..I let her clamp it like 7 times before she did it to...
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I also got my septum pierc ed today by a appentice at my work..I let her clamp it like 7 times before she did it to...
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brand me brand me!!!!!!!!

whoo hoooo!! I got a new fucking laptop!!
About time..So now I can go on when ever I please...yeaaaaaaaahhh!!!
I went out otnight with the gals..A guy did come to meet me but he disappeared.. :S weirdo men..gah!! I should just become a lesbian..I got more action from girls tonight anyways..
gahhh I'm drunk...
ahh welll!!
Whoo hoo suicide girl!!

I went out otnight with the gals..A guy did come to meet me but he disappeared.. :S weirdo men..gah!! I should just become a lesbian..I got more action from girls tonight anyways..
gahhh I'm drunk...
ahh welll!!
Whoo hoo suicide girl!!

Ooohh, a new laptop! I love getting new technology. but then I'm a whore for gadgets and such. The anytime access to SG is always a plus.
Well I worked all long's ok tho..It was relaxing anyways..
ummm I don't know what is new..I've been living alot of the same old, same old.. ahh well..
I might post more when my brain is working..
ummm I don't know what is new..I've been living alot of the same old, same old.. ahh well..
I might post more when my brain is working..

It's always hard to update when there's nothing going on. You wind up making posts about the movies you rented.
damn just write pointless crap i do......................