So my experience was super embarrassing in the moment, but so laugh worthy now.
I was in Florida at Vero Beach on vacation. The weather was beautiful, and I was eating lunch at an outdoor beach resturaunt. As I ate my lobster ravioli, I noticed a handful of people go up to the table across from me and ask for autographs. He was tan, handsome, and had black shades on. I had to know who he was! Lol
I asked the waiter who the man was and they said it was John Stamos! He was in town to perform with his band at the time. I could not believe my childhood crush of Uncle Jesse from Full House was eating to the table right next to me!!!
I, of course, had to make him notice me, being a fan girling teen at the time. He had gone to the restroom and I thought my chance to interact with him had vanished. My dad and I were paying for our lovely lunch and got up to leave. As we walked back inside to exit the restaurant, John Stamos and his friend walked right beside me. I couldn't believe what had just happened. No joke. Wearing my sundress with bikini top revealed, he and his friend looked down at my chest as I walked by! Like no way. Lol such a compliment to a fan girling teen 😂😅
Later on the beach, my dad pointed out that he was lounging on a towel diagonal behind us. Omg. More time to flirt, I thought. I told my dad I was going to take a dip in the ocean because it was really hot that day. Well.... My very clumsy self decided it would be a great idea to Baywatch jog in front of John Stamos and make my way to the ocean. Of course this isn't what would actually happen. So as I jog, boobies bouncing and all, the sand squishes under my feet and I stumble. Like really stumble. So embarrassed, I looked back at the handsome Uncle Jesse and he couldn't help but try to hide a obvious smile and laugh!! I just couldn't with what had happened and jumped into the ocean 😂🤣
Now looking back, it was a hilarious encounter and I still think it was so sweet he even tried to attempt to hide his laughter lol
Have you met anyone famous??
@missy @penny @mickey @sean @yessybear @lemon @eirenne