So I’ve been inspired to write down some of my thoughts in hopes that it sparks something in people to think about being more open-minded and kind to others. These thoughts are only my honest feelings and opinions, and should not be taken in any negative manner.
My first thought process came out when a dear friend and I were having a conversation about happiness. They had brought up that they don’t think everyone deserves happiness. I respected his opinion and he had told me that after reading what I wrote to him, it changed his outlook on the subject. My Response: Personally, I think every living being deserves to be happy. Yeah, there are cruel people in the world, but if you think about it, people are shaped from two main things: their youth and their surrounding factors OR genetics. Either way, if those cruel people could have received the affection and care a being needs to prosper greatly, their life would be completely different. Plus who knows, if a cruel soul was shown the love they never received, it might give them a change of heart. Plus if every soul wasn’t struggling with inner peace and love so much, the world wouldnt be such a judgmental and violent place. When a person comes to peace with themselves and their surroundings, it’s easier to see the path to their happiness. When people truly find their happiness, very few things will tear them down or bother them. They will share their light with others and try to lead the path to other’s happiness as well. If everybody could come to an understanding that we are all different for many reasons and accept each other fully for who we are, then we can use our differences to work together and create and unimaginable world that reaches no limits or bounds.
The conversation went on and another subject got brought up that I had a strong opinion towards. We were talking about acts of kindness and how his feelings got hurt when the people he showed kindness to, didn’t reciprocate. My response: Kindness is a nurturing thing. It is given to impact another’s life in a positive way. It would be strange to expect a person in need (of a smile or happy thought) to return the positive energy you just gave them; when that might be the only positive thing they have received in hours, days, or even years. Some souls have been so deprived or beaten down to the point of living without an interaction with positive energy. These souls are so emotionally drained and that one act of kindness could have given them hope or a reason to keep moving forward. Let these souls keep and use the positive energy to help them gain/regain a sense of clarity and hope for happiness. Even if it’s just for a moment.
Again, these are all personal opinions that I wanted to share in hopes of sparking an act of kindness or atleast bring attention to the fact that although each and every one of us is different in endless ways, we can accept those differences and unite our strengths and weakness together to form an incredibly sufficient and beautiful way of life. We could all be a perfect people puzzle 💜 Lol @rambo @missy