I haven't been around as of late. Probably because I've been a little on the depressed side.
Well one the bright side I'm two weeks away from hitting the big three oh, so all of those who doubted that I would live that long should be getting ready to pay up pretty soon.
On another note I am oddly proud about the nigh before thanksgiving... Read More
That mysterious numbness in my feet and hands is still there not getting any worse or better. My apatite is hardly there at all as is my ability to get any sleep.
My friends and I came up with a term solely to get it put in the urban dictionary. You can only spend so much time looking up bizarre terms. The term is "Arabian Horse Blinders." The act of a woman with serious meat curtains placing them over the eyes of someone who has passed out or fallen asleep.
People should say what they mean. When you say "I want to see you soon" your actions should show that as well. It shouldn't be "well I have plans Friday so we'll go out Saturday" and then when Saturday rolls around I hear "it turns out I've got the days mixed up it's actually... Read More
Its been nearly two weeks since my hearts been broken. I've been telling myself that I'm fine and it's a bald faced lie. It sucks that she could be so cowardly to not even be honest enough to say "things are moving to fast and we should see less of each other" when she means "I don't want to see you any more." How sad... Read More
Sure I could live just for me, but I'm probably not the happiest and healthiest person out there. My psychiatrist told me I've got self-destructive tendencies. I asked him what "should I do?" And he said "go with it."
It's amazing how much could change in a months time. I am still seeing the girl who I went out with on NYE/my birthday. I had to fight with the management were I work because one of them told HR that I had volunteered to work new years day and didn't have the guts to let me know... Read More
No luck with my hunt for booty last night. There was one girl who seemed really into me but since she wasnt single. It sucks that the ones that are into me are all unavailable or crazy.
That I had to deal with there being a drunk at the bar who has tried to start a fight with me on a previous night. My life... Read More
The suns going down, I think I'll go out for an all night drinking binge. Feeling kind of lonely of late and on a busy night there is bound to be someone making eyes at me. I don't normally go out looking to get laid but I'll be doing just that tonight. From what I hear I'm a nice lookin' guy I just have the... Read More