damn it feels good to say that
third year is free for another couple of weeks at least!
looking forward to many many lovely days of vegitating around the house in my undies eating cornpops for lunch and watching the ticker on it just me or doesanybody else find that damn ticker hypnotic?!!
zzshing is the going to see wickd with him on friday. i used to be obsessed with the wizord of oz as a kid, i had the biggest crush on the tinman....i even have the middle name to prove my obsession
so much crap to do around the aptmt...but im not going to lift a finger to do any of it...
damn it feels good to say that
third year is free for another couple of weeks at least!

looking forward to many many lovely days of vegitating around the house in my undies eating cornpops for lunch and watching the ticker on it just me or doesanybody else find that damn ticker hypnotic?!!
zzshing is the going to see wickd with him on friday. i used to be obsessed with the wizord of oz as a kid, i had the biggest crush on the tinman....i even have the middle name to prove my obsession

so much crap to do around the aptmt...but im not going to lift a finger to do any of it...

My plane leaves for Toronto From the uk next sunday...
gotta get home... rest... get over the shock *lol*
Then we totally need to hook up and smoke some spliffs!
i think it would be amazing.
i think the magazine is really great. reminds me a lot of bitch. ever read it before?
i loved your article: "giving a fuck" from the first issue.
so good.