last night i dreamt i woke up all svelte and shit....
...eating cornflakes with dried pieces of cardboard raspberries in them....i feel good today, life is good
i officially no longer have bronchitis, gonna miss my uber-hoarse man voice, yah i skipped the sexy and went straight to man
my feet are itching so bad to go out dancing,,...thats all im fuckin asking for, to meet new ppl who will fight me and push thru me and scream their life into my face, ....those are the ppl i want in my life right now....where are you all?
so yah, im taking the girls to super on sat...joe called last night and asked if i wanted to meet up somewhere, i was too tired, but i'll probably go to his afterhours party on sat....i heart the bouncers at ciao, they're really sweet+fuckin hilarious
i just remembered, i really reallly hope i dont see cody there, he's been djing at these random afterhours a lot tthis last month
im so blah about the opposite sex these days after that whole fiasco....i hope i dont do anything stupid when im drunk, like fuck joe cuz that would be reallly unnecessary
the most awesomely rad rad thing just happened....FUCCCCK I LOVE CCT PRINTING! tthey just called and us a quote for the fword's next issue, we are gonna have COLOUR and a glossy cover!!! holyfuck, and all for within our budget
yes, today is a good day.
...eating cornflakes with dried pieces of cardboard raspberries in them....i feel good today, life is good
i officially no longer have bronchitis, gonna miss my uber-hoarse man voice, yah i skipped the sexy and went straight to man

my feet are itching so bad to go out dancing,,...thats all im fuckin asking for, to meet new ppl who will fight me and push thru me and scream their life into my face, ....those are the ppl i want in my life right now....where are you all?
so yah, im taking the girls to super on sat...joe called last night and asked if i wanted to meet up somewhere, i was too tired, but i'll probably go to his afterhours party on sat....i heart the bouncers at ciao, they're really sweet+fuckin hilarious
i just remembered, i really reallly hope i dont see cody there, he's been djing at these random afterhours a lot tthis last month
im so blah about the opposite sex these days after that whole fiasco....i hope i dont do anything stupid when im drunk, like fuck joe cuz that would be reallly unnecessary
the most awesomely rad rad thing just happened....FUCCCCK I LOVE CCT PRINTING! tthey just called and us a quote for the fword's next issue, we are gonna have COLOUR and a glossy cover!!! holyfuck, and all for within our budget
yes, today is a good day.

Im glad your feeling better (though I didnt know you were sick to begin with)
You should post a few pages of your magazine
we should start a bronchitis club. or team?