Alright, so I'm being treated to a gourmet Asian meal tonight at Thai 9 in the Oregon District, with my Uncle, my cousin and her partner, my Aunt, my Uncle, my brother and my Dad.
Should be great, I can't wait to get fed all the yummy food. Think I'm going to get a sushi sampler, which I can never afford normally when I go out. Their sushi bar is arguably the best in Dayton.
My cousin and her partner are very cool. We've talked about my coming out to my Dad a bit. They are very active in the more Christian side of the gay community. They just recently left the Catholic Church, just like me. I felt I wasn't welcome as I was, only as the Church wanted me to be.
I looked into other Churches but found none that I liked. My sense of Christian history, coupled with my extremely liberal views of Scripture, (after all it's only Scripture because the Council of Nicea said so) and a tendency to dislike fluff, as well as most Protestant Denominations, has kept me out of a Church.
I like being indie though, its been cool lately, I feel alot more free to just let it all hang out.
I still carry alot of guilt and shame, but eh, I was raised Catholic, its kind of a natural thing for me.
So it looks like I will be going to BW3's with Janie tonight after my meal, and nobody else. Janie I think is feeling like second choice. Its hard her being 51. I really would have liked to go out and goof off with some of my guy friends tonight, just talk shit and drink a couple of drinks and all that.
I don't mean to make Janie second fiddle.
Dad will be here in just a few minutes, and then it will be off to the resturaunt. Awesome.
Alright, well... I'll think of some crazy shit to post tomorrow, today I'm feeling unusually ordinary.
My offer to take someone out to dinner and then snuggle on the couch still stands by the way. And I promise it won't be McDonald's.
Well that's that. Today's update. Yippee.
Should be great, I can't wait to get fed all the yummy food. Think I'm going to get a sushi sampler, which I can never afford normally when I go out. Their sushi bar is arguably the best in Dayton.
My cousin and her partner are very cool. We've talked about my coming out to my Dad a bit. They are very active in the more Christian side of the gay community. They just recently left the Catholic Church, just like me. I felt I wasn't welcome as I was, only as the Church wanted me to be.
I looked into other Churches but found none that I liked. My sense of Christian history, coupled with my extremely liberal views of Scripture, (after all it's only Scripture because the Council of Nicea said so) and a tendency to dislike fluff, as well as most Protestant Denominations, has kept me out of a Church.
I like being indie though, its been cool lately, I feel alot more free to just let it all hang out.
I still carry alot of guilt and shame, but eh, I was raised Catholic, its kind of a natural thing for me.
So it looks like I will be going to BW3's with Janie tonight after my meal, and nobody else. Janie I think is feeling like second choice. Its hard her being 51. I really would have liked to go out and goof off with some of my guy friends tonight, just talk shit and drink a couple of drinks and all that.
I don't mean to make Janie second fiddle.
Dad will be here in just a few minutes, and then it will be off to the resturaunt. Awesome.
Alright, well... I'll think of some crazy shit to post tomorrow, today I'm feeling unusually ordinary.
My offer to take someone out to dinner and then snuggle on the couch still stands by the way. And I promise it won't be McDonald's.
Well that's that. Today's update. Yippee.

As for the strip club, I'd say you should go. You may not have "fun" exactly, but it'll certainly be an interesting lesson in anthropology, I can tell you that much.