So I spent the day with Janie. I called her for lunch and hung out with her until just a few minutes ago.
Douglas Adams has an immortal character that loses his mind because of Sunday afternoons. Even with Janie around it was pretty rough today.
Janie said we both need a stud, and not the type you put in your ear. Unless you're into that kind of thing.
Everyone at SG has been real cool. I've gotten two new links from face to face people on LJ as well. Things are as usual with my other LJ friends, things are going nowhere.
Haven't told Janie about SG yet, because I'm not sure what she will think. She is very open-minded, but sometimes old-fashioned when I don't expect it.
Today she was asking about different bands in my iTunes folder, so she got to hear Skinny Puppy and Tori Amos and other stuff, which led her to comment that it's funny that the Stones had to change their lyrics and look at the music today. (Well not even today, from the eighties and nineties.)
Most people won't know, my friend Janie is 51. She is very worldly, has lots of life experience, is funny, and a loyal friend. It can be weird being friends with someone 25 years older than me. But mostly its just being friends and that's good.
Today I played her electronica and all kinds of out there stuff. Mostly she had no reaction. I honestly think she prefers her own, 25 year old music.
Anyway, today was good. I got no studyiing done, but hey - I chilled out. Now I'm going to go post at my two new groups, and I'm going to update my page and maybe comment at people's journals, and then its off to bed. Thankfully, I'm tired, I will sleep well.
I've got the Skinny Puppy on, just seemed like a good thing to end the night off with.
Oh! - and the stud thing. Yeah I'm bisexual. Deal. I'm half tempted to tell everybody today's sexual fantasy. But I won't. Being queer, even if I do like ladies, is a real bitch sometimes, because people freak out about it. No need to freak everyone out more. But maybe I'll feel comfortable talking about my Brad Pitt fascination sometime, or maybe not. Deal. End of Paragraph.
Douglas Adams has an immortal character that loses his mind because of Sunday afternoons. Even with Janie around it was pretty rough today.
Janie said we both need a stud, and not the type you put in your ear. Unless you're into that kind of thing.

Everyone at SG has been real cool. I've gotten two new links from face to face people on LJ as well. Things are as usual with my other LJ friends, things are going nowhere.
Haven't told Janie about SG yet, because I'm not sure what she will think. She is very open-minded, but sometimes old-fashioned when I don't expect it.
Today she was asking about different bands in my iTunes folder, so she got to hear Skinny Puppy and Tori Amos and other stuff, which led her to comment that it's funny that the Stones had to change their lyrics and look at the music today. (Well not even today, from the eighties and nineties.)
Most people won't know, my friend Janie is 51. She is very worldly, has lots of life experience, is funny, and a loyal friend. It can be weird being friends with someone 25 years older than me. But mostly its just being friends and that's good.
Today I played her electronica and all kinds of out there stuff. Mostly she had no reaction. I honestly think she prefers her own, 25 year old music.
Anyway, today was good. I got no studyiing done, but hey - I chilled out. Now I'm going to go post at my two new groups, and I'm going to update my page and maybe comment at people's journals, and then its off to bed. Thankfully, I'm tired, I will sleep well.
I've got the Skinny Puppy on, just seemed like a good thing to end the night off with.
Oh! - and the stud thing. Yeah I'm bisexual. Deal. I'm half tempted to tell everybody today's sexual fantasy. But I won't. Being queer, even if I do like ladies, is a real bitch sometimes, because people freak out about it. No need to freak everyone out more. But maybe I'll feel comfortable talking about my Brad Pitt fascination sometime, or maybe not. Deal. End of Paragraph.
Yeah I'm defensive about it. Just came out to my Mom last month. Haven't come out to Dad yet. Lots of baggage. Yeah.
Yeah, in Dayton I'm a pariah often.
I'm sort of an eighties and nineties guy myself. Nothing on the radio right now is any good, but there are some good artists right now. But mostly its older stuff. I like some of the weirder 60's and 70's stuff, like King Crimson. And I've been known to listen to others (CCR, Bobby Dylan) at times.
Right now I've got the new/old Brian Wilson in. He's a hero.
Thanks for the recommendations on groups. I like queer people. Thanks.
Thanks also. I just get nervous. Maybe its my own guilt from my Catholic raisins or something. Not sure. Looking forward to meeting you too. I love the site.