Listening to Opeth's Damnation, which is apparently produced by Steve Wilson, mastermind behind Porcupine Tree. I'm not digging it like I dig Porcupine Tree, but that might be because I haven't picked out the lyrics as of yet. I wish they were easier to understand.
Also thinking I should get the lyrics for "Trains" off Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia" because I would like to sing along with the song, and right now I'm sort of just making up nonsense syllables. I like to sing along...
I'm pretty tired, its only 8:36. I used to be a night owl, but not so much anymore.
So let's see, contemplating starting a chat with someone, and eating some cream cheese and crackers. And drinking lots of water.
I don't actually think this stuff is interesting, but I write just for practice alot. The good ideas are far between, but I come up with something good usually every other day or so.
Realizing I've been a member of SG for three days. I'm also a member at Bluelight Forum. Troy has been talking to me about their nudie section, and I looked at some stuff today. Bluelight is a "harm-reduction" forum. Basically they discuss the ins and outs of drug use, the ins and outs of sex and the convergence of drugs and sex, fuck with noobs, and discuss other typical forum topics as well.
I'm actually a pretty straight-laced member. Right now, my shrink can call me in for a drug test at any time, and the guy is no fool, so I play it close to the belt. I'm also learning about moderation, and how to have a good time without destroying one's life, and these are good things to learn.
The Bluelight members as a rule are doing ecstasy and other things and experimenting with the dance scene and generally living it up. I've learned a good deal about sex from the Sex, Love and Relationships forum, and I've learned a great deal about drugs as well.
Troy is a mod there, but he will lose his mod status soon, because he can no longer go to bluelight at work. That is a long story not worth telling right now.
Thinking I might call my buddy Janie here real quick. I tell her nearly everything, except my fascination with lyrics about mutilation, and I haven't told her about SG. I told her about a forum I go to, because I just had to tell her about someone's comment here about Britney Spears' genuine phoniness. We both agreed that we knew some very genuinely phony people, and that it was probably those people's best quality.
The lyrics about mutilation thing... I have been listening to In Absentia by Porcupine Tree (Steve Wilson) all week. Basically its a concept album about a guy who starts by collecting different animals and hiding them in his shed, has a family and some kids (doesn't say how many) ties them to a bed and does some erotic and violent things to the family, then drills a hole in his head with a drill. Then he has a heart attack in his car, and then at the end, I'm not sure, he dies but whatever else is sort of left vague.
It is a great album. And yes I am a freak. I'm realizing at SG that I'm not the only freak, and that's good, but I can seriously tell that I mix with a different crowd than most here. I used to be a long-haired skinny bohemian anarchist, went through my fat 12 stepper phase, and now I'm sort of mid-weight and realizing that I am still crazy, still a freak, but not sure what I would characterize myself as. Generally I'm a member of the norm, but definitely one on the outside. Meaning, I wear gap clothes and go to school and talk to my professors and spend a lot of time with my family.
I feel isolated alot. I'm not going to start a blog whine, its such a cliche, we can save that for when I just can't help myself weeks from now. But I am sort of an outsider, and as a writer (not a corporately recognized one unfortunately), I tend to be watching people a lot. I guess that's what SG is about is voyeurism. Maybe I'll fit right in, eh?
I like doing it at bluelight too, read people's posts and then find their pictures and kind of figure out who people are and what they are all about.
An extreme example of this is when I found a livejournal friend's old journal, which was still up. It was from before she converted to Christianity and included lots of penis jokes. Oh and a picture of her face. Not sure which would have embarassed her more. Its all on google I've found.
After I started this fad of mine, I traced my own history over the internet, and found all kinds of old shit, like some stuff from my very first blog three years ago. And all my old livejournals from my various conversions and idiocies, really very embarrassing. Much of it still up, and some of it in the google cache.
I say this not to scare people off, but just to say that I like to get to know people deeply, and I'm always looking for the what turns the screw so to speak. Its a very bad habit, especially when people want to be your friend, but they want you to back the fuck off for a few minutes or a week or something.
Another way of saying this: I am intense as a motherfucker. Always on the ball, always probing, always shaking things up.
I just noticed that this journal entry is getting awful long. Doesn't look like there is a way to make a cut. Must remember to suggest a music and mood thing for the blog, and also cuts for the blog so people can read a bit and decide if they want to read ramblers like me.
Anyway, its been fun. I really am focusing mostly on this private journal, but some of these things will be cross-posted at LJ. If you happen to be an lj freak, you're special to me, write me and I will friend you. Or not.
Also thinking I should get the lyrics for "Trains" off Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia" because I would like to sing along with the song, and right now I'm sort of just making up nonsense syllables. I like to sing along...
I'm pretty tired, its only 8:36. I used to be a night owl, but not so much anymore.
So let's see, contemplating starting a chat with someone, and eating some cream cheese and crackers. And drinking lots of water.
I don't actually think this stuff is interesting, but I write just for practice alot. The good ideas are far between, but I come up with something good usually every other day or so.
Realizing I've been a member of SG for three days. I'm also a member at Bluelight Forum. Troy has been talking to me about their nudie section, and I looked at some stuff today. Bluelight is a "harm-reduction" forum. Basically they discuss the ins and outs of drug use, the ins and outs of sex and the convergence of drugs and sex, fuck with noobs, and discuss other typical forum topics as well.
I'm actually a pretty straight-laced member. Right now, my shrink can call me in for a drug test at any time, and the guy is no fool, so I play it close to the belt. I'm also learning about moderation, and how to have a good time without destroying one's life, and these are good things to learn.
The Bluelight members as a rule are doing ecstasy and other things and experimenting with the dance scene and generally living it up. I've learned a good deal about sex from the Sex, Love and Relationships forum, and I've learned a great deal about drugs as well.
Troy is a mod there, but he will lose his mod status soon, because he can no longer go to bluelight at work. That is a long story not worth telling right now.
Thinking I might call my buddy Janie here real quick. I tell her nearly everything, except my fascination with lyrics about mutilation, and I haven't told her about SG. I told her about a forum I go to, because I just had to tell her about someone's comment here about Britney Spears' genuine phoniness. We both agreed that we knew some very genuinely phony people, and that it was probably those people's best quality.
The lyrics about mutilation thing... I have been listening to In Absentia by Porcupine Tree (Steve Wilson) all week. Basically its a concept album about a guy who starts by collecting different animals and hiding them in his shed, has a family and some kids (doesn't say how many) ties them to a bed and does some erotic and violent things to the family, then drills a hole in his head with a drill. Then he has a heart attack in his car, and then at the end, I'm not sure, he dies but whatever else is sort of left vague.
It is a great album. And yes I am a freak. I'm realizing at SG that I'm not the only freak, and that's good, but I can seriously tell that I mix with a different crowd than most here. I used to be a long-haired skinny bohemian anarchist, went through my fat 12 stepper phase, and now I'm sort of mid-weight and realizing that I am still crazy, still a freak, but not sure what I would characterize myself as. Generally I'm a member of the norm, but definitely one on the outside. Meaning, I wear gap clothes and go to school and talk to my professors and spend a lot of time with my family.
I feel isolated alot. I'm not going to start a blog whine, its such a cliche, we can save that for when I just can't help myself weeks from now. But I am sort of an outsider, and as a writer (not a corporately recognized one unfortunately), I tend to be watching people a lot. I guess that's what SG is about is voyeurism. Maybe I'll fit right in, eh?
I like doing it at bluelight too, read people's posts and then find their pictures and kind of figure out who people are and what they are all about.
An extreme example of this is when I found a livejournal friend's old journal, which was still up. It was from before she converted to Christianity and included lots of penis jokes. Oh and a picture of her face. Not sure which would have embarassed her more. Its all on google I've found.
After I started this fad of mine, I traced my own history over the internet, and found all kinds of old shit, like some stuff from my very first blog three years ago. And all my old livejournals from my various conversions and idiocies, really very embarrassing. Much of it still up, and some of it in the google cache.
I say this not to scare people off, but just to say that I like to get to know people deeply, and I'm always looking for the what turns the screw so to speak. Its a very bad habit, especially when people want to be your friend, but they want you to back the fuck off for a few minutes or a week or something.
Another way of saying this: I am intense as a motherfucker. Always on the ball, always probing, always shaking things up.
I just noticed that this journal entry is getting awful long. Doesn't look like there is a way to make a cut. Must remember to suggest a music and mood thing for the blog, and also cuts for the blog so people can read a bit and decide if they want to read ramblers like me.
Anyway, its been fun. I really am focusing mostly on this private journal, but some of these things will be cross-posted at LJ. If you happen to be an lj freak, you're special to me, write me and I will friend you. Or not.
