I've got this friend that is quitting drinking in order to start smoking pot.This has inspired in me a rant about this kind of thing.
First off, when did my friends from high school get so old that they started quitting things... especially drinking? It seems like everyone is quitting something. I went through that stage many moons ago, and did quit everything, and now I drink and that's it.
Now the thing is, I think one can safely smoke pot, which is really an exceptionally gentle and kind drug, if you don't turn it into forty days in a row. After about that long you start say - missing work - or deciding that a 95th acid trip sounds kind of fun, or sleeping all the time. I know people who find pot a good way to get the house clean, and who also work their asses off, but they're also total lushes. Every night its over to the bar to get soused.
My point is that pot is a great drug in moderation, and an unkind evil bastard when overdone.
Drinking can be an evil bastard too, I don't deny it. It's no good passing out and then starting over every day. I try to keep my imbibing of the fruit of the vine down to a bare minimum, but I make sure I have a good time when I do it.
Does this make me superior in some way? Well let me say that I feel superior to someone who won't drink a beer, nectar of the Gods that it is, but will do a drug that can get you thrown in jail. That I feel above. But otherwise, I think everyone does drugs, even if it's only caffeine or some kind of state-sponsored thing like clonapin. Part of the fun of life is the drugs honestly. I tried most of what seemed interesting to me, skipped putting spikes in my veins, and putting holes in my nose, and I don't regret it.
And I'm sure that some of the drugs I didn't try make for great entertainment, but I've found that the best people know their limits, and I know mine.
In the end, I think people do the drugs that suit them best. I get by on my Geodon and Lexapro, the occasional beer or six (and even that rarely enough) and everyone else has got to do their thing too. Just don't tell me you can hit your bong, but you can't have a cocktail with me next week. Sorry I find that a little stupid.
If you're going to go straightedge, I find that admirable too. I've found that most people who stay sober for very long periods are generally wound very tight. Its a downside, but then again, there are perks too. I've had some of my best parties, as sober as an undertaker, just watching everyone get crazy and laughing at them. And you can always drive home when someone is annoying you too.
Moral of the story: Don't TRY to control your state of consciousness, DO control your state of consciousness. Yoda rocks people. If you're trying to control yourself and you can't, you better check your head, because that's what landed me in hospitals and rehab. If you are controlling yourself, no problems, even if you are spiking your veins with white heat.
I always imagine that I've got this wolf inside of me, and that he needs fed occasionally, so I give him some room on his leash and let him go at it, and then I rein him in. Don't let that fucker go! But treat him to some tasty meat from time too, or he's going to turn into a real bastard on you.
Get it?
First off, when did my friends from high school get so old that they started quitting things... especially drinking? It seems like everyone is quitting something. I went through that stage many moons ago, and did quit everything, and now I drink and that's it.
Now the thing is, I think one can safely smoke pot, which is really an exceptionally gentle and kind drug, if you don't turn it into forty days in a row. After about that long you start say - missing work - or deciding that a 95th acid trip sounds kind of fun, or sleeping all the time. I know people who find pot a good way to get the house clean, and who also work their asses off, but they're also total lushes. Every night its over to the bar to get soused.
My point is that pot is a great drug in moderation, and an unkind evil bastard when overdone.
Drinking can be an evil bastard too, I don't deny it. It's no good passing out and then starting over every day. I try to keep my imbibing of the fruit of the vine down to a bare minimum, but I make sure I have a good time when I do it.
Does this make me superior in some way? Well let me say that I feel superior to someone who won't drink a beer, nectar of the Gods that it is, but will do a drug that can get you thrown in jail. That I feel above. But otherwise, I think everyone does drugs, even if it's only caffeine or some kind of state-sponsored thing like clonapin. Part of the fun of life is the drugs honestly. I tried most of what seemed interesting to me, skipped putting spikes in my veins, and putting holes in my nose, and I don't regret it.
And I'm sure that some of the drugs I didn't try make for great entertainment, but I've found that the best people know their limits, and I know mine.
In the end, I think people do the drugs that suit them best. I get by on my Geodon and Lexapro, the occasional beer or six (and even that rarely enough) and everyone else has got to do their thing too. Just don't tell me you can hit your bong, but you can't have a cocktail with me next week. Sorry I find that a little stupid.
If you're going to go straightedge, I find that admirable too. I've found that most people who stay sober for very long periods are generally wound very tight. Its a downside, but then again, there are perks too. I've had some of my best parties, as sober as an undertaker, just watching everyone get crazy and laughing at them. And you can always drive home when someone is annoying you too.
Moral of the story: Don't TRY to control your state of consciousness, DO control your state of consciousness. Yoda rocks people. If you're trying to control yourself and you can't, you better check your head, because that's what landed me in hospitals and rehab. If you are controlling yourself, no problems, even if you are spiking your veins with white heat.
I always imagine that I've got this wolf inside of me, and that he needs fed occasionally, so I give him some room on his leash and let him go at it, and then I rein him in. Don't let that fucker go! But treat him to some tasty meat from time too, or he's going to turn into a real bastard on you.
Get it?
The best fucking rant over man!