So i havent been on for quite a while. This summer has just been so busy its insane! One really shity thing did happen... my boss cut my days at work to 3 a week. Just coz one of our nurses didnt get along with me. SUCKS ASS!!!! So now im looking for a new job..ugghhh ive worked for these assholes for 3 1/2 years..this bitch started last year and is the biggest kiss ass ive ever met! So when i got my hours cut, which my boss couldnt explain, i just kept to myself and didnt speak to anyone. When that nurse saw how quiet i was and EVERYONE was worried and concerned about me, she HAD to make it about HER. So she started crying out of fucking no where!!! Saying that she felt everyone was pointing fingers at her, or some crap. But knowing she was a attention whore, i didnt bother with her. I was actually online looking for another job. Dont know where i'll end up but i know im not planning on staying at my current job doing part time and had my benefits ripped away! Karma is a bitch and i hope oh I HOPE it slaps that bitch upside her head!

thanks, darlin'. let us know how you are from time to time, OK?