Today is a special day... Happy Anniversary babe 4 years strong~!
My account should be ending today or something... but if anyone is around the L.A. area on Feb 17th... make sure to drop by the Knitting Factory in hollywood for Murderfest. My hubby's band is playin there along with a grip load of others
check out their mypace music site ALC info should be there. I'll be back so dont delete me off your friends list or i'll cut ya!!! heeheeee ::acHoooO:: yeah im still sick 

My account should be ending today or something... but if anyone is around the L.A. area on Feb 17th... make sure to drop by the Knitting Factory in hollywood for Murderfest. My hubby's band is playin there along with a grip load of others

so you definately leaving?
all i can say is
you won't be deleted