well since my journal is the least important piece of shit on this site im ganna try somehting new.
im ganna start quoting parts to my favorite books. but i dont have any of the books at the desk here and im not about to get the fuck up. so youll have to wait to see what i quote. as if it mattered! i digress,...
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im ganna start quoting parts to my favorite books. but i dont have any of the books at the desk here and im not about to get the fuck up. so youll have to wait to see what i quote. as if it mattered! i digress,...
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I am almost done with my paper on Kubrick. Then im done for a week. ahhh the refreshing truth of spring break!

i think that im mad. yes im sure of it, im mad. i didnt get to work out like i normally do. i had to settle for lots of pushups and sprinting and joging.
i think i need to buy my self a life, do they have those on ebay? i feel like wathcing movies and writing and listening to music and working out isnt...
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there's just not enough good movies been made anymore. too often studios are afraid to take chances, i'd much rather watch a flawed movie than a boring one. too many sequels. i watched the trailer for T3, and it doesn't look good to me. the only sequel i'm really excited for is the Matrix. because the First film was the biggest chance a studio has taken in a while.
maybe you should try doing something out with this girl? Like coffee, or even something like going out to a toy store or something. (it's the nerd in me.)
sometimes ladies get a little freaked when you invite them over. not a lot of safety there.
maybe you should try doing something out with this girl? Like coffee, or even something like going out to a toy store or something. (it's the nerd in me.)
sometimes ladies get a little freaked when you invite them over. not a lot of safety there.
that toy store thing is good!!
I still plan to watch Donie darco again. I think i know whats going on though. i think God was giving him a chance to livie out part of his life to show him he is not alone. correct me if im wrong. i dont think anyone will read this anyway. hell no one knows how wonderful just talking to me is. not even my...
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Not drinking them away, just hiding from them for the night...
i get the divine intervention thing in Donnie Darko. I watched some of the Deleted Scenes with commentary, and a lot of those scenes make a point of driving home God's gift to Donnie, his choice. (Or is it His choice?)
Those scenes make the movie less ambigious and more, um, divine? Maybe the wrong word.
It's a strange choice, though. Is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all, as they always say? I dunno.
I doubt that any journal goes unread. I know that I don't reply to every one I read. It's almost impossible.
Those scenes make the movie less ambigious and more, um, divine? Maybe the wrong word.
It's a strange choice, though. Is it better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all, as they always say? I dunno.
I doubt that any journal goes unread. I know that I don't reply to every one I read. It's almost impossible.
I just watched donie darko. great movie. But can somone explain it do me so i make sure i get it. i think i know what its about.
well its another day. what can i say, how about " i coulda been somebody, i coulda had class, i coulda been a contender, " or how about something more simple, snoogans. why do i sit at my computer night after night, why do i live alone, and why am i here...... did i follow the white rabbit......
well since no one reads this anyway i should just pronounce my undying love for cheese. yes thats right. i love the stuff.
on on a serious note, has anyone noticed the change in cereal flavors. i tried some of my old vaforites and it just wasnt the same. perhaps its me. no, im never wrong.
and what to do with my life. i should...
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on on a serious note, has anyone noticed the change in cereal flavors. i tried some of my old vaforites and it just wasnt the same. perhaps its me. no, im never wrong.
and what to do with my life. i should...
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i like chhheeese. *stumbles around the room*
dont tell me you like frumunda cheese?!?! :pukes:
what can i say. i know... the Question of the day.....Favorite flavor of ice cream!!!! mine is ....doubble fudge. or any flavor being eaten of a beautiful. thats how i developed a taste for sherbet.
well its another day. well ... i still have no girl in my life. not because i dont succeed they all seem to be to busy, i dont like chicks who are too into themselves. they need to want somethign. that and being a media arts major takes alot of time. off to bed now. and as far as the overies go.... ill settle for...
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dont give your heart away, you may regret it later.
i hope you don't mind me asking...
but, uhm
are you trans?
i hope you don't mind me asking...
but, uhm
are you trans?
well i dont think any one will read this so who cares what i say. i dont. im not like most guys. thats right i have overies!! well maybe not but im not normal.
after finding this site i threw away all my sweaters and went and bought some black!
i also have redefined my idea of beauty. i use to go for the typical...
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after finding this site i threw away all my sweaters and went and bought some black!
i also have redefined my idea of beauty. i use to go for the typical...
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I will donate my ovaries...if you really want some....but you have to pay the medical cost of transplanting them in your body...
you poor thing. You live in Chico..............