Just got back from camping up in buckhorn in the angeles forrest. I haven't been able to sleep the past couple nights because my brain has been plagued with questions about death. This brought on by the body we saw on the roadside due to a 49 yr old motorcycle rider who lost control after a heart attack and hit the guard rail.
I've seen death before, I've experienced it myself when I've lost loved ones and even my own child. I don't know why it affected me so much this time. So I've been really curious and researching a lot. I find it really strange that DMT (the chemical released in your brain upon death and brain shut down) is found abundantly in plants and in the digestive tract of animals and in some of our adrenial glands.
Is it possible that when we die our body shuts down but our mind keeps going like radio waves or the internet? Just because you turn off your TV off doesn't mean the tellly air waves aren't still dancing around your head. Maybe our conciousness passes on to the plants were we wait in limbo dreamland to find our next body to inhabbit. Is this why the animals have the DMT in there bellies, because they feast on the plants where we wait in limbo land? Then we pass on to the animals, which then pass it on to us?
Maybe we just go to a dream like state until our DMT floats into some hornhusk of a baby body down the street. Is this why we don't recall things as an infant, maybe we are not actually given a soul/thoughts/conciousness until something inhabits us and if this is so, then all new life is really old life? Maybe we can't remember our old life because dreamland is always much longer than the real world and if we shacked up in a plant for 10 years, how long would that be in dreamland...I would say enough time to forget our past lives....
This is all just thoughts, but wouldn't it be something....the world would change so much if we could learn what really happens after death.
ps if you haven't watched the movie " Flatliners" do so it's on NETFLIX
On a lighter note...
here are some camping pix I stole from max, thanks max
I agree with you totally that religion/ and other such are a big control factor, so wouldn't that be amazing if we did find out that reincarnation is real...but not in the way of religion, but in the way of science. I mean dreams are real, where do we go in dream land? It's kind of like a PS3 and when you play in dream land your playing story mode, and when your in your body you are "pluged in" and play on line and can interact with friends. It's proof like TV uses air waves. Maybe our counciousness goes into an almost hibernate mode when we die and rides the air waves. I am telling you something it's something big to do with DMT. Why do you secrete it before you die? Why do your glands leak it so you may dream? Is dreaming like a manual update to the server, to prep you incase of emergency download? Hmmm battle star galetica and the resurection ships seem more real than fiction now. What if we do go into a slumber mode until another body is preped. Maybe reincarnation is real but in a more scientific way. What if the world found out that when we die we don't really die, we do come back, but not for hundreds maybe even thousands of years after being in dream world.
Only if, and if only this is true than wouldn't that but a big wieght on what you do in your life that dictates wether you have a good dream world or bad...in other words "Heaven" or "Hell". If you take a look at the movie "FlatLiners" it shows doctors clinically killing them selves then bringing them back to life....but when dieing it shows that they pay for there sins, there mind begins to play tricks on them, or is it past spirit other dreamers reaching out? It all ties in that if we do bad in our life we usually dream badly, could you image being in your worst nightmare for thousands of years...that seems like a lot of punishment.
This also adds another turn. Death would have no wieght over life, so people wouldn't be afraid to die, but the would be affraid to commit "sins/bad deeds/hurt people" because there mind would be an endless prision for thousands of years...where the worst torturerous acts could provail!
what if it's true...? Would we be a better world for it?? Living in the now, experiencing every experience, no boundries or laws...and still have order???
I'm going to die.
I also know I may control my; perspective, what I choose to focus upon, the meaning I assign to said focus, and how I react in my life.
All of those things in concert pretty much construct my heaven or hell here.
I'm mostly concerned with actually implementing what I know in a practical manner that benefits my quality of life.
You've a good deal of interesting concepts. They're definitely thought-provoking. I don't engage in mental gymnastics as much as I use to in the past. These days I mostly simply live and be. Perhaps I'll blaze a little later and kick around some of those ideas