Okay so I am so stoked finally made my ultimate habitat. I've always wanted a lot of animals, I just love them. Animals are always real and love you for you! So in my 55 gallon tank I used an old refridgerator cubbie and flipped it upside down, covered with sand and rocks and layerd moss. I made the land so it slowly slides into the water, which is perfect for the fire belly toads and the beta is free to swim in the pool! Then I have bambo and vines to make a canopy across the top for the green anole and house geckos....I will build a fogger from a humidifier soon to complete it! These animals are all in one tank and live happily together, just fed them and they are a happy bunch! My bf and I put a movie on and weren't even watching it, because our habitats our just waaaaay too entertaining!!!
Love you guys
Here's some pics
Love you guys
Here's some pics
Very Nice....
Cute little animals!