Again, everyone thank you and Missy an Sean of SG thank you most of all!!!
I have lived here in laughlin/bullhead city now for about a year and everyone out here is so closed minded I feel like I can't be myself with out getting some stares and snide remarks by people everywhere.
Here in the town of laughlin they do not take to kindly to tattoo's and piercing, you wouldn't think so with the harley run being held here every year and all those biker dudes! Alas, it is true. Every day for work I must insert hair peices to hide my blue streaks as well as take all 14 of my piercing out, so I don't offend my customers. This isn't so bad, though tedious, it's when I come in for my check on my days off and the looks and snickering that goes on by my coworkers. I even had one of my close co workers in uniforms insult my snake bites saying he didn't understand why stupid people stick metal through there face and I need to respect he is from a different era, and I do. Though I came back with, but don't you think it's odd that I am from a different era too, though I love the flappers of the 20's and 30's, pin up of the 50's, hippies of the 60's, disco of the 70's, hair bands of the 80's and I don't judge anyones appearances or life styles as long as it doesn't hurt me in anyway mentally or physically...then what is so wrong with it!!!!
I was even told by some that I am waisting my time with video games and I should focus on reality, but behind the console is where I find my release. You may like to go fishing (as do I), and some might find this a waist of time with out the need to feed yourself soley on what you catch. I just don't know why people are so quick to shut out other possiblities. Why can't they try to look at things another way, why can't we just love one another no matter what is on the outside or what they do to pass the time. I am not a crazy drugee with no respect for my body. I am an individual who craves to explore every bit this world has to offer! If you never try the fruits the world has to offer, they will rott.
We got over race and still working on homosexuality, maybe after gay rights are established we can work on rights of body art in the work place. I think if we put a band on regulating piercing and tattoo's in the work place they would be more accepted world wide! After all what is so different from discriminating against natural skin color and discriminating against altered skin color! Why should the color of your skin decided wether you get a job or not! Why should a lip ring make you bottom on the hiring list!!!! Something needs to be done or we will all lose our individuality!
After these trying days of close minded people I find relief in jumpin on SG and reading my mail and chatting with other members and SG girls. Here is were I find my strength in my individuality and I am reminded IT'S OKAY TO BE ME!
Here is a link to a wonderful song by Bob Sinclar.....imagine a world where people love one another, sharing with one another. Where there is no anger, no hate, no war, where this world is only filled with love, joy, and peace..... IMAGINE!!! (Bob Sinclar-what a wonderful world)
I have lived here in laughlin/bullhead city now for about a year and everyone out here is so closed minded I feel like I can't be myself with out getting some stares and snide remarks by people everywhere.
Here in the town of laughlin they do not take to kindly to tattoo's and piercing, you wouldn't think so with the harley run being held here every year and all those biker dudes! Alas, it is true. Every day for work I must insert hair peices to hide my blue streaks as well as take all 14 of my piercing out, so I don't offend my customers. This isn't so bad, though tedious, it's when I come in for my check on my days off and the looks and snickering that goes on by my coworkers. I even had one of my close co workers in uniforms insult my snake bites saying he didn't understand why stupid people stick metal through there face and I need to respect he is from a different era, and I do. Though I came back with, but don't you think it's odd that I am from a different era too, though I love the flappers of the 20's and 30's, pin up of the 50's, hippies of the 60's, disco of the 70's, hair bands of the 80's and I don't judge anyones appearances or life styles as long as it doesn't hurt me in anyway mentally or physically...then what is so wrong with it!!!!
I was even told by some that I am waisting my time with video games and I should focus on reality, but behind the console is where I find my release. You may like to go fishing (as do I), and some might find this a waist of time with out the need to feed yourself soley on what you catch. I just don't know why people are so quick to shut out other possiblities. Why can't they try to look at things another way, why can't we just love one another no matter what is on the outside or what they do to pass the time. I am not a crazy drugee with no respect for my body. I am an individual who craves to explore every bit this world has to offer! If you never try the fruits the world has to offer, they will rott.
We got over race and still working on homosexuality, maybe after gay rights are established we can work on rights of body art in the work place. I think if we put a band on regulating piercing and tattoo's in the work place they would be more accepted world wide! After all what is so different from discriminating against natural skin color and discriminating against altered skin color! Why should the color of your skin decided wether you get a job or not! Why should a lip ring make you bottom on the hiring list!!!! Something needs to be done or we will all lose our individuality!
After these trying days of close minded people I find relief in jumpin on SG and reading my mail and chatting with other members and SG girls. Here is were I find my strength in my individuality and I am reminded IT'S OKAY TO BE ME!
Here is a link to a wonderful song by Bob Sinclar.....imagine a world where people love one another, sharing with one another. Where there is no anger, no hate, no war, where this world is only filled with love, joy, and peace..... IMAGINE!!! (Bob Sinclar-what a wonderful world)
hang in there gorgeous, i know how you feel, i live in dullsville, Guatemala city, Guatemala. Keep on trucking girl and be yourself, and we are always here if you want to blow off some steam. From one fellow gamer to another, just play girl, and let everything else go
so hot, so seductive, you in your new bed...