One of the best days in a long time with Zed the transient
I had an amazing day today! I've been trying to save up to head up to SF to go to school up there for animation and things just seem to be falling into place! I called denny's and the gm happend to anwer the phone and tell me to come in and ask for her when I get out here! I also may have found a place for 410.00 a month and will let me keep my dog for an extra 25 bucks a month! I've been pretty nervous about moving since I don't know anyone at all up there, but that might be for the best so I can really absorb all the info the art institute has to offer! I am thinking since I don't have a car I could ride my bike to bart or the muni bus...but I need a bike first!So anywho I did a little soul searching walking on my way from work and told god if this is what you really want for me please let me find a bike at the good will! So I go in and sure enough there is a beat up old bike, both tires blown...and maybe holes in the tubes. So I remember seeing a few transients hanging out by the drop off and figured they could use some cash and remember seeing a few bikes around them. So fearless (and sometimes stupid) me walk up to one of the transients and offer to by his bike, he in turn said I'd have to wait to talk with the owner. Unfortunetly the owner wasn't around, so I said to the man if I buy a bike in there would you be able to fix the tires for me for some cash? He replied, no problem I have a repair kit! So he introduced himself, his name was Zed! He told me you know, not all us guys are bad he used to be a fire fighter and does a lot of community servic pulling weeds to help prevent fires from reaching homes. I was really touched..even if some of it was bullshit.
So I go in and purchase the bike (14 bucks) and bring it out where Zed and his friend Dave offer me a seat on a nice piece of sofa cusion (which I gratiously excepted) and await them taking the tires, place the tube in a bucket of water to see if there are leeks, and test the breaks. Well it turs out Dave had a couple tires for me and road his bike to the lower part of ontario to fetch them for my bike. I sat with Zed and he told me about his life, how he watched his daughter get killed by a drunk driver on his front lawn, because the driver lost control and hit his daughter doing 80. Again I don't know if all he said was true, but my heart went out to him. So because he shared this story, I figured I tell him about my dui and loosing my job and getting dumped all in two days. I think he enjoyed this, because I probably look like a bitchy little so cal girl with my blonde hair and lip gloss. Zed also told me about how his passion was stand up and performed an amazing "bobcat" (the comedian/actor bob cat....if you don't know he was the guy with the shot gun in scruged)impression. I was laughing so hard! So Dave comes back with the tires straps them on and fixes my bike. testes it out for me and oils up the which he got oil on my seat! Though Dave being a nice guy grabed a hankerchief and tied it to the seat so I could ride it home. I also met another older transiet named mouse and a woman named robin, they were very pleasant to!
All in all I was so happy and gave Zed and Dave 20 bucks each! I couldn't have had a better day, I think I really proved to them not all blonde so cal girls are bitches and I feel they prooved to me not all bumbs are evil crack heads looking to come up! I love when life teaches you to love thei neighbor and honestly I really do believe that!
Though I am not saying go befriend every bum you see, because as Zed said they are not ALL bad...but some are, and some are on drugs and could do something un expected. This probably wasn't the smartest thing I've done, but it was 3pm in the afternoon and it was a public place and I know the cops cruise around all the time. So please don't go walking the streets at midnight to go introduce yourself to the neighborhood transient, but please don't turn your nose up into the air when you see them. They are human beings too and there life is a lot harder than yours I gaurantee it!
With that have a wonderful night and try and doing something nice for someone you don't know! It really improves the outlook on humanity, remember pay it forward!
So I think this was definately a sign to go to SF, what do you think?
here's some new pix of my hair!
I had an amazing day today! I've been trying to save up to head up to SF to go to school up there for animation and things just seem to be falling into place! I called denny's and the gm happend to anwer the phone and tell me to come in and ask for her when I get out here! I also may have found a place for 410.00 a month and will let me keep my dog for an extra 25 bucks a month! I've been pretty nervous about moving since I don't know anyone at all up there, but that might be for the best so I can really absorb all the info the art institute has to offer! I am thinking since I don't have a car I could ride my bike to bart or the muni bus...but I need a bike first!So anywho I did a little soul searching walking on my way from work and told god if this is what you really want for me please let me find a bike at the good will! So I go in and sure enough there is a beat up old bike, both tires blown...and maybe holes in the tubes. So I remember seeing a few transients hanging out by the drop off and figured they could use some cash and remember seeing a few bikes around them. So fearless (and sometimes stupid) me walk up to one of the transients and offer to by his bike, he in turn said I'd have to wait to talk with the owner. Unfortunetly the owner wasn't around, so I said to the man if I buy a bike in there would you be able to fix the tires for me for some cash? He replied, no problem I have a repair kit! So he introduced himself, his name was Zed! He told me you know, not all us guys are bad he used to be a fire fighter and does a lot of community servic pulling weeds to help prevent fires from reaching homes. I was really touched..even if some of it was bullshit.
So I go in and purchase the bike (14 bucks) and bring it out where Zed and his friend Dave offer me a seat on a nice piece of sofa cusion (which I gratiously excepted) and await them taking the tires, place the tube in a bucket of water to see if there are leeks, and test the breaks. Well it turs out Dave had a couple tires for me and road his bike to the lower part of ontario to fetch them for my bike. I sat with Zed and he told me about his life, how he watched his daughter get killed by a drunk driver on his front lawn, because the driver lost control and hit his daughter doing 80. Again I don't know if all he said was true, but my heart went out to him. So because he shared this story, I figured I tell him about my dui and loosing my job and getting dumped all in two days. I think he enjoyed this, because I probably look like a bitchy little so cal girl with my blonde hair and lip gloss. Zed also told me about how his passion was stand up and performed an amazing "bobcat" (the comedian/actor bob cat....if you don't know he was the guy with the shot gun in scruged)impression. I was laughing so hard! So Dave comes back with the tires straps them on and fixes my bike. testes it out for me and oils up the which he got oil on my seat! Though Dave being a nice guy grabed a hankerchief and tied it to the seat so I could ride it home. I also met another older transiet named mouse and a woman named robin, they were very pleasant to!
All in all I was so happy and gave Zed and Dave 20 bucks each! I couldn't have had a better day, I think I really proved to them not all blonde so cal girls are bitches and I feel they prooved to me not all bumbs are evil crack heads looking to come up! I love when life teaches you to love thei neighbor and honestly I really do believe that!
Though I am not saying go befriend every bum you see, because as Zed said they are not ALL bad...but some are, and some are on drugs and could do something un expected. This probably wasn't the smartest thing I've done, but it was 3pm in the afternoon and it was a public place and I know the cops cruise around all the time. So please don't go walking the streets at midnight to go introduce yourself to the neighborhood transient, but please don't turn your nose up into the air when you see them. They are human beings too and there life is a lot harder than yours I gaurantee it!
With that have a wonderful night and try and doing something nice for someone you don't know! It really improves the outlook on humanity, remember pay it forward!
So I think this was definately a sign to go to SF, what do you think?
here's some new pix of my hair!
Thanks for props, you are very sweet
I'm really glad you came out and had fun, it was great meeting you!!!

That is an awesome story. You're a doll.