So I am really stress'n out guys. Okay so at my work I am put in quite the predicament! I have my dm who is sending another branch manager to come down to my branch and investigate why my branch manager should keep his job. I was pulled into an office and interigated by this other branch's manager and was told to tell truthfully about my branch manager, and if I lied he would find out and be Very Upset. So I told him some things my boss could improve upon and he said what we say in this office stays here. So after are little chat at 930pm my service manager calls me and tells me "Fox you need to tell me everything this guy said to you, everything?". I didn't of corse because my district manager decides where I go in the company...but my branch manager seems out to get me now. So I go to work the next day after both my service manager and the other branch's manager interigated me fearing what would be said to my branch manager. Nothing is said all day, I figure I am in the I am about to leave my branch manager asks me to stay after and talk to him and my service manager. Again I am asked to tell them everything that I said while I was in the office. I tell him exactly what I was instructed to say. After the talk he tells me..."I hate to do this after the situtaion but I have to give you a verbal warning for leaving customer info out, don't feel bad everyones been doing it lately". So I think now he is retalliating aginst me. I think I need to talk to hr. What do you guys think? Side with my District manager and possibly loose my job because my branch managers out to get me, or tell my branch manager everything and turn my dm against me? Or tell Hr and just stir up the whole bee's nest?

HR sounds like your best bet

sorry to say this but your in a real spot, HR may back fire on you as well but what it sounds like is if your BM has it out for you and threatens to do something then take that to the DM and tell him if you are being singled out then you will go to HR to resolve the issue if he can't. Always let the lowest level resolve your issue and if that don't work skys the limit. hope that helps alittle. oxox ink