blah blah blah i am bored, i love me me, everyone love and worship me please, for i am the man, who invented the wheel and erected the eiffel tower out of sheer brawn and sweat.
well well somehow I have gotten suckered back into getting a membership to this amazing site. Feels good to be back...alot has changed since i was last on here. I was in a very long relationship, which unfortunatly had to end, and i was in atlanta in shcool, but i came back to bham to work and go to school here. I had a lot... Read More
well my account will cancel in about fifteen minutes, it really sucks that I wont be a member any more, but i have really enjoyed the site. thanks to all the girls for always being fuckin hot.
welll ho hum ho hum, im fuckin bored, as usual. I just got done playing guitar for two hours straight and it feels nice, kinda like a daily workout. I wonder if this is what it feels like to workout?..oh well im not gonna go do a buncha fuckin crunches to find out. Playing guitar is the most rewarding and depressing hobby of all time.... Read More
hmm, so apparently i've recently said some shit about you. damn i hate it when people tell me stuff that i didn't say. anyways, if it gets around to you, or already has, it's nothing personal, because i didn't say it.
Don't listen to him, I heard what he said about your mom being a goat fucker and your dad video taping it for Stile..and that you thought you were better than everyone else cause you lived in a rich bich fancy ass out of state apartment...haha Im just kidding, but Foust you need to get back here this weekend man...we got a handle of Shatter...
I don't think I am going to make it to Ozzfest on Thursday, but I am going to try to go to another one. I think I might try Raleigh, NC. If you still can't go, then you have my word that I will be the most metal person at the Ozzfest this year!!!
so this weekend was really fuckin great, drank alot of kool aid with jj the monkiman, listened to some kids who called the cops cuz they ate maijuana brownies and quote"freaked out", got shitty, had a good time then my friend had to go and fuck his best friends girlfriend and the drama bomb was dropped and it was fucking inescapeable.
so now im back... Read More
yeah, my site is viewable, I am just changing it up a little and adding new pics. If you decide to go to ozzfest in Nashville let me know, I think I will be going lawn tickets cause I am so poor right sucks cause I like to spend some good money on these kind of events. Life sucks. Do you have the link to my site?
SPIDERMAN 2, was really good. I was very excited to say that i wasnt let down one bit by it. Anyway, im off to bham again for the weekend to hang out with friends and get shitty in the name of our great country.
Yeah, Conners had one arm, so he will, I assume, eventually be the lizard. But John Jameson wasn't Venom; Eddie Brock was. Plus I'm not sure how they are going to explain the whole symbiote thing without the Eternal Wars, but, hey... we'll see.
im in between quarters at school right now so im doing alot of nothing. I got the reno 911 dvd last night and it kicks ass. I think im going to see SPIDERMAN2 tonight, i hope its good.
I've seen it twice now, yes two days in a row. Fuckin good stuff. You will like it Foust. and you need to come back, for the parties man..tommrow night and 4th of July!!..o and does the RENO 911 have the bleeps or do they un censor it....later dude
isnt it nice to meet new members? maybe not, but it turns out that this hot chick that was in front of me at the show last week is a member, how nifty...anyway, not much to update, i spent a very drunk weekend in birmingham. oh and thanks to the sg ladies for throwing out stickers at the show , now i have an official... Read More
so the show last night (sg burlesque) was no less than fucking beautiful. Stormy is the fucking shit, and Nixon is my satanic goddess. anyway, the girls on the tour are all breathtaking, so everyone needs to see this show.
so i made a big mistake. i went to six flags, sucks ass. how did i ever like that place, hmmm anyway, i havent wrote in a while yet i still dont have much to say.
gooooooood school sucks, i am really hating this quarter, and it dosent help that some fucking dumbass piece of shit who is getting a government paid free ride,because the school has to reach a quota, dropped a 60 pound tripod on the hood of my car. and the first thing she said was, "its not my fault" when i had just told her not to... Read More
awe, sorry about your car, but I must say, paeople at aia are some of the dumbest ever! I am taking this quarter off, I need to breath!!! Hope you drank and smoked your worries away!!!