I am trying to figure out why so many people hate snakes. Now, I understand that the venomous one's can freak people out but the likelihood of them biting you just for kicks is pretty darn low. It is like being afraid of clouds because they could emit lightning. I think snakes make a great pet provided they are constrictors. Afterall, they only eat once a week, don't require a massive amount of space compared to a dog for example, have the wow factor and are generally pretty docile and happy. The reptile world has benefitted so much from the efforts of breeders. Now, for example, someone who is interested in ball pythons can buy one in so many different and interesting colour combinatons. This adds to the appeal of the animal. I think the mistake we make is to assume that snakes have certain qualities when, in fact, many of us have no first hand experience with them. My snakes are friendly, easy to keep, cool as hell to look at and low maintenance. Sure, the boa will end up taking up some space but not nearly as much as a dog or cat. Irrational fear is just that, open your minds!
i think a lot of people over time have thought of snakes as scary, weird, or evil simply because their body mechanics are so different than our own, and most other animals we encounter. the slithering motion is pretty foreign considering most animals we see use legs. that may be how it all started. herpetology has always been an interest of mine from the time when my friends and I would catch snakes in elementary school, to when I had my turtle in high school. i don't think that reptiles really have a "friendly" side to them or that they experience love, but i do think they can become accustomed to cohabitation and interaction. to where they won't attack or feel threatened. but yeah, they are nothing to be afraid of, but like most fears there is little rationality behind it.
I could not agree with you more. Their role in popular literature has not helped either but I think that you really have to experience them first. People are scared when they hear I have a boa constrictor but in reality it is the friendliest snake I have. People seem to equate large reptiles with danger but that is not necessarily the case at all.