Yeah, the car got towed this morning. I didn't wake up on time and didn't even hear my alarm clock or my cell phone alarm. Tons of drinks and fatigue are to blame. I'll never say "I can wake up and move the car in a few hours" under those circumstances again. I had to pinkie swear that I wouldn't drive to The East Bay... Read More
getting ready to shoot some old timey golf photos with an old 4x5 on saturday. can't wait to get behind that thing. imagine a golfer and caddy in 1930's gear. one with a giant pig's head and one with a giant frog's head. both made out of paper mache.
Yo, just saw Lords of Dogtown. Crazy how that shiz is in movies now you know? I remember looking up to those guys a LOT. Alva man. ALVA. Never realized he was that much of an ass.
Fucking rain! I have a business dinner tonite so I'll have to pass on Timmy's party
Let me know when you plan on going to Prom... I'll meet you there!!