It's kinda funny... I've always seen what I've wanted to see in people, until the time I most need that illusion. It puffs away like so much vapor, revealing them in their full ugliness, their full parasitic nature; only then do I notice how much of their baggage they've heaped upon me, as if I were a Christ bearing their sins to Golgotha. But I'm not of the divine. I'm of the earth. And I cannot be a sacrificial lamb to wash them clean; moreover, I will not. Even had I the ability, I would not choose to do it. I have my own life to live.
As far as other updates, I got my iPod Mini programmed. One thing I forgot to mention: it's pink. Good ol' grandparents.
So I slapped a SG sticker on it.
What's that? Quitting smoking update? ....yeah, about that... not so much.
My car's finally being worked on as of yesterday. We'll see what else goes wrong with it before it's all through.
I'm going to be moving to Santa Clara, California come March, probably; right after my birthday is the planned move.
As far as other updates, I got my iPod Mini programmed. One thing I forgot to mention: it's pink. Good ol' grandparents.

What's that? Quitting smoking update? ....yeah, about that... not so much.
My car's finally being worked on as of yesterday. We'll see what else goes wrong with it before it's all through.
I'm going to be moving to Santa Clara, California come March, probably; right after my birthday is the planned move.
good luck with the quitting smoking, it's hard, i've been quitting for months now.