Total... hell...
On the 22nd, my mom made me crash out at her place for the night because she KNOWS I will sleep in and make her miss her flight and ruin her vacation. (BTW, I was awake before her that day) So instead I have to sit there and try and sleep on the couch as she and her girlfriend have sex in the next room. BLEH!
On the 23rd, our flight is cancelled. Mom cries. I suggest we try Southwest Airlines. They all yell at me, telling me that Southwest doesn't go to Florida. After an hour we pack it up and go home. Mom asks me not to wear my makeup when I go see them. And don't wear black. And take off the spikes. She's finally so upset she's crying, so I give in. I have to cool my heels at her place again for a day. I try and play my music. I get yelled at. I try and watch anime. I get yelled at. I fall asleep early to avoid any further conversation with Mom's girlfriend about 'not ruining Mom's Christmas'. But not before overhearing them having sex again.
On the 24th, we get to the airport again. The flight is cancelled. Mom cries again. They put us on standby, so we have to wait on each and every flight to see if there's an open seat. I again suggest Southwest. They all GO OFF. Screaming at me, telling me I need to shut up... until a nice man from another airline hears us, and tells us we can transfer the ticket to his airline and make it to Orlando. He works for (drum roll) SOUTHWEST AIRLINES!
Not one damn apology. Suddenly, since it hasn't come from me, it's the most brilliant idea ever.
We make it to Florida. As soon as we leave the terminal, I light up a cig. I get yelled at. 'You know we're trying to quit, why are you smoking near us?!' They never showed such courtesy when I was quitting at 18. So I finally just say, 'Then go elsewhere.' I get yelled at again for ruining mom's Christmas.
We get a lift from the airport by my aunt and uncle. D., my sister, is the automatic center of attention. Never mind the fact she's a drunk that has had an abortion and the father was god knows who, there's so many guys from the bar she's slept with... there's ONE COMMENT to me... 'You should cut your hair.'
The grandparents look at me like I was wearing the black, the spikes, and the makeup after all. And any time I voice an opinion about politics, religion, or even football, I'm WRONG WRONG WRONG. They don't even bother to hear my side. I try and check SG and I'm not allowed on the computer because, and I quote, 'Your mom says you belong to a website about girls committing suicide'.
I'm not even allowed to explain. I spend most of the time out on the back porch alone, save when my cousin KY is there. Cousin KE is much closer with my sister. KY and I play cards, talk about books and movies, etc. That was a bright spot.
It rains the whole time I'm down there. No trips to the beach. I go swimming in the pool anyway. I did go fishing... AND I DID CATCH A FISH! Pics coming soon on that one.
Finally, we go home, Mom's girlfriend gets lost on the freeway, which I suggest things to get us where we need to go. She rolls her eyes, makes faces, makes scoffing noises... and gets more lost. I push my sister's PT Crapper out of the ice. Not a word of thanks. My sister grabs my mom's bag accidentally. She calls us while we are on the freeway halfway home. They turn and yell at me, despite the fact I was in the back of the truck and had NOTHING to do with it.
We finally get home. I get on here. The end.
I'm disowning that side of my family. I was right. CHRISTMAS NEEDS TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the 22nd, my mom made me crash out at her place for the night because she KNOWS I will sleep in and make her miss her flight and ruin her vacation. (BTW, I was awake before her that day) So instead I have to sit there and try and sleep on the couch as she and her girlfriend have sex in the next room. BLEH!

On the 23rd, our flight is cancelled. Mom cries. I suggest we try Southwest Airlines. They all yell at me, telling me that Southwest doesn't go to Florida. After an hour we pack it up and go home. Mom asks me not to wear my makeup when I go see them. And don't wear black. And take off the spikes. She's finally so upset she's crying, so I give in. I have to cool my heels at her place again for a day. I try and play my music. I get yelled at. I try and watch anime. I get yelled at. I fall asleep early to avoid any further conversation with Mom's girlfriend about 'not ruining Mom's Christmas'. But not before overhearing them having sex again.
On the 24th, we get to the airport again. The flight is cancelled. Mom cries again. They put us on standby, so we have to wait on each and every flight to see if there's an open seat. I again suggest Southwest. They all GO OFF. Screaming at me, telling me I need to shut up... until a nice man from another airline hears us, and tells us we can transfer the ticket to his airline and make it to Orlando. He works for (drum roll) SOUTHWEST AIRLINES!
Not one damn apology. Suddenly, since it hasn't come from me, it's the most brilliant idea ever.
We make it to Florida. As soon as we leave the terminal, I light up a cig. I get yelled at. 'You know we're trying to quit, why are you smoking near us?!' They never showed such courtesy when I was quitting at 18. So I finally just say, 'Then go elsewhere.' I get yelled at again for ruining mom's Christmas.
We get a lift from the airport by my aunt and uncle. D., my sister, is the automatic center of attention. Never mind the fact she's a drunk that has had an abortion and the father was god knows who, there's so many guys from the bar she's slept with... there's ONE COMMENT to me... 'You should cut your hair.'
The grandparents look at me like I was wearing the black, the spikes, and the makeup after all. And any time I voice an opinion about politics, religion, or even football, I'm WRONG WRONG WRONG. They don't even bother to hear my side. I try and check SG and I'm not allowed on the computer because, and I quote, 'Your mom says you belong to a website about girls committing suicide'.

It rains the whole time I'm down there. No trips to the beach. I go swimming in the pool anyway. I did go fishing... AND I DID CATCH A FISH! Pics coming soon on that one.
Finally, we go home, Mom's girlfriend gets lost on the freeway, which I suggest things to get us where we need to go. She rolls her eyes, makes faces, makes scoffing noises... and gets more lost. I push my sister's PT Crapper out of the ice. Not a word of thanks. My sister grabs my mom's bag accidentally. She calls us while we are on the freeway halfway home. They turn and yell at me, despite the fact I was in the back of the truck and had NOTHING to do with it.
We finally get home. I get on here. The end.
I'm disowning that side of my family. I was right. CHRISTMAS NEEDS TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I dont talk to you before this. Have a Happy New year! And remember:

i swear to god, worst family EVER!!!!!