I had three options the other night; scream (roommates were asleep), break something (also unwise due to the fact I use everything in this room), or vent online.
I know all women aren't like that. Just most of the ones who are interested in me.
Fortunately, counsel from my friends, Family Guy, and Futurama has helped.
Thanks everyone
PS - Go congratulate Sinope and kellyjanice in their recent color change... TO PINK!
I know all women aren't like that. Just most of the ones who are interested in me.
Fortunately, counsel from my friends, Family Guy, and Futurama has helped.
Thanks everyone

PS - Go congratulate Sinope and kellyjanice in their recent color change... TO PINK!
why did you request my friendship again ... you were still on my list... now you are doubley cool because you are there 2 times
*Ding Ding Ding, you got the bonus. They are bastards. My "Dress to Kill" DVD is also MIA, someone claims to have asked to borrow it maybe they did, i 4get, but it's now in someone elses car. Dammit.
my pirate name sux; Iron Anne Bonney