What a weekend.
I really enjoyed PHP and all the people I met there. It was a great time. Special thanks to Shabbydo for getting my ass there and keeping my cancer pipeline open.
However, it all came crashing down when I got back. I heard over the weekend that somebody was murdered at Outland.
Turns out I knew him.
A bouncer there threw out a drunken former employee of the place, who was being unruly and demanding free drinks. The man came back with a gun and fired a shot into the back of the head of a man he thought was the bouncer.
He was mistaken. The man who died was a much beloved regular there.
They caught the guy with the murder weapon. It's a small comfort. He murdered an innocent man over free drinks.
Life is cheap. Humankind is cheaper.
I really enjoyed PHP and all the people I met there. It was a great time. Special thanks to Shabbydo for getting my ass there and keeping my cancer pipeline open.
However, it all came crashing down when I got back. I heard over the weekend that somebody was murdered at Outland.
Turns out I knew him.
A bouncer there threw out a drunken former employee of the place, who was being unruly and demanding free drinks. The man came back with a gun and fired a shot into the back of the head of a man he thought was the bouncer.
He was mistaken. The man who died was a much beloved regular there.
They caught the guy with the murder weapon. It's a small comfort. He murdered an innocent man over free drinks.
Life is cheap. Humankind is cheaper.
However I hope to see you at the next PHP and by then maybe I will have DBZ budokai 3