Catching up on the weekend...
Friday night I went to the drag show in San Marcos with L and her friends Saralina and Jody. I had been completely oblivious to the fact that it was National Coming-Out Day, so it was a bit of a surprise to learn that the whole thing was also a vaguely vampire-themed celebration ball for all of the Bi/Gay/Les/Tran student groups at SWT.
So it was one huge festival of cute li'l dark-angel lesbians and swanky femme-fatale drag boys and impeccably sartorial gay vampires and happy mullet girls ecstatically kissing facially-beglittered pixies and straight boys in fake boobs and plaid skirts and straight girls doing their best not to get hit on by all the bi and lesbian girls (but then telling their friends about it with eyes a-twinkle when it happened) and abercrombie boys looking almost exactly like their nemeses the homophobic frat boys (which i have decided must be kind of like the monarch butterfly and the viceroy butterfly. only one of them is poisonous to birds, but by looking alike, they manage to make the birds avoid eating them both.)
But I digress...
The show itself was quite good. I have seen better drag shows, but for a road show in San Marcos the entertainers did an excellent job. One of them was actually a student at SWT, and performed to massive cheers from all in attendance, which only increased exponentially when he stripped down to a very skimpy teddy for the second number. The last few numbers involved a couple of the performers showing off some very expensive surgery, followed by the host stripping down to nothing but his girdle and his hairy, surgically un-altered chest.
L was a little taken aback by these numbers, as it was her first time at a drag show. But she still says she wants drag queens instead of a male stripper for her bachelorette party whenever she gets married. Too cool.
Meanwhile, L's hot friend Jody and I flirted with each other a bit. I am such a crush slut lately, but it's good for me, as I haven't been especially interested in *anyone* for a while. I'm sure once any one of them looks remotely promising, my trusty monogamy mode will kick in.
Before we departed for the evening, Saralina and Jody accepted invites to my birthday bash, which grows more and more interesting by the day. Woohoo!
Last night I went round the pub for some fish-n-chips and a pint of Guinness, then went down to Beerland to see the White Ghost Shivers. They're a great little hokum blues and hot jazz outfit...with a little luck, I might have them playing a short set at my birthday bash.
This may well be my... Best! Birthday! Ever!
Friday night I went to the drag show in San Marcos with L and her friends Saralina and Jody. I had been completely oblivious to the fact that it was National Coming-Out Day, so it was a bit of a surprise to learn that the whole thing was also a vaguely vampire-themed celebration ball for all of the Bi/Gay/Les/Tran student groups at SWT.
So it was one huge festival of cute li'l dark-angel lesbians and swanky femme-fatale drag boys and impeccably sartorial gay vampires and happy mullet girls ecstatically kissing facially-beglittered pixies and straight boys in fake boobs and plaid skirts and straight girls doing their best not to get hit on by all the bi and lesbian girls (but then telling their friends about it with eyes a-twinkle when it happened) and abercrombie boys looking almost exactly like their nemeses the homophobic frat boys (which i have decided must be kind of like the monarch butterfly and the viceroy butterfly. only one of them is poisonous to birds, but by looking alike, they manage to make the birds avoid eating them both.)
But I digress...
The show itself was quite good. I have seen better drag shows, but for a road show in San Marcos the entertainers did an excellent job. One of them was actually a student at SWT, and performed to massive cheers from all in attendance, which only increased exponentially when he stripped down to a very skimpy teddy for the second number. The last few numbers involved a couple of the performers showing off some very expensive surgery, followed by the host stripping down to nothing but his girdle and his hairy, surgically un-altered chest.
L was a little taken aback by these numbers, as it was her first time at a drag show. But she still says she wants drag queens instead of a male stripper for her bachelorette party whenever she gets married. Too cool.

Meanwhile, L's hot friend Jody and I flirted with each other a bit. I am such a crush slut lately, but it's good for me, as I haven't been especially interested in *anyone* for a while. I'm sure once any one of them looks remotely promising, my trusty monogamy mode will kick in.
Before we departed for the evening, Saralina and Jody accepted invites to my birthday bash, which grows more and more interesting by the day. Woohoo!
Last night I went round the pub for some fish-n-chips and a pint of Guinness, then went down to Beerland to see the White Ghost Shivers. They're a great little hokum blues and hot jazz outfit...with a little luck, I might have them playing a short set at my birthday bash.
This may well be my... Best! Birthday! Ever!
buenas dias, cabron!
I only wish that i had a halberd, for now. But maybe i'll ask for one for christmas. And then I'll do a Christmas set. It will appear to be innocent, but really I'll be weilding a halberdd theateningly.
But my Diablo II character does have the best halberd ever...