I'm back from Boston. Exhausted, and sniffling with allergies, but sporting a sunny disposition that is undiminished by these factors.
The weekend with Joy was about as delightful as I could have possibly expected. Still early days to be flashing loaded four-letter emotion words around, but...we make each other smile, we make each other laugh, and we make each other HOT.
Things are good.
Maybe a few details tomorrow when my brain is not in a swirling miasma of Claritin wooze and travel fatigue.
Back to Boston in 2 weeks.
tick tick tick tick tick
The weekend with Joy was about as delightful as I could have possibly expected. Still early days to be flashing loaded four-letter emotion words around, but...we make each other smile, we make each other laugh, and we make each other HOT.

Things are good.
Maybe a few details tomorrow when my brain is not in a swirling miasma of Claritin wooze and travel fatigue.
Back to Boston in 2 weeks.
tick tick tick tick tick
Boston home of the Big Dig.
thats a cool pic ya'got there