Hello. I'm back
An enforced absence after my broadband connection went down. I reported it and my ISP said they'd get it checked out. I waited. 3 days later I called again. Blah blah the helpline, who said it had been reported to BT, but I wnet over everything I/we could think of with just to double check. All ok. I waited.
A further 7 days go by; the phone connection goes down too. Onetel, my ISP, say that I should get BT to repair the line first - the test still hasn't been done.
I am getting seriously, er, *fed up* by now. Now I'm reduced to a web cafe and text messages to communicate (as I can't afford to run up a large bill on my mobile right now). BT say that there is no fault found between them & the house, i find out from the landlord that the main phone socket is in the downstairs front tenant's room. The tenant isn't around during the day, and the landlord won't won't be back until Sunday to let the engineer in. ...So I make an appointment for an engineer to call next Tuesday. Yesterday morning I check the phone as usual - still dead. Yesterday lunchtime I check it again & it's working! Well I never: a self-repairing telephone line
. It couldn't possibly be that BT were telling porkies?. I call Onetel again, thinking that my broadband is still out, without checking, so they can get my connection tested/sorted out - and am embarrassed to discover as I go through the checks again with the helpline, prior to them getting on to BT, to discover that I can now connect. I had got so used to not being able to get online that I became resigned to more of the same. Should have known better & tried first. Still, as long as the thing stays up I don't care, even if I knew what was happening in the first place - anything beyond simple mechanics is beyond me. So, fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again.
I played my first game of squash for 3 years on Thursday, with a friend, who thought she would like to try it. A good combination - a newbie & a 'rusty'. We didn't play for points and I mostly (once I'd remembered how to hit the thing so it made it to the front wall) just hit the ball to her: I didn't want to put her off by running her all over the court. I hit the occasional 'smart' shot to make her do a bit of work & demonstrate things you could do and she enjoyed it and had got the hang of it enough to make me run for a few of her returns, so we may be playing again. My next time will be later next week against another former housemate, who is a very keen player; that will be a just a *bit* harder.
My current favourite sandwich: Chorizo and thinly sliced dill pickles with lime mayonnaise.

An enforced absence after my broadband connection went down. I reported it and my ISP said they'd get it checked out. I waited. 3 days later I called again. Blah blah the helpline, who said it had been reported to BT, but I wnet over everything I/we could think of with just to double check. All ok. I waited.
A further 7 days go by; the phone connection goes down too. Onetel, my ISP, say that I should get BT to repair the line first - the test still hasn't been done.
I am getting seriously, er, *fed up* by now. Now I'm reduced to a web cafe and text messages to communicate (as I can't afford to run up a large bill on my mobile right now). BT say that there is no fault found between them & the house, i find out from the landlord that the main phone socket is in the downstairs front tenant's room. The tenant isn't around during the day, and the landlord won't won't be back until Sunday to let the engineer in. ...So I make an appointment for an engineer to call next Tuesday. Yesterday morning I check the phone as usual - still dead. Yesterday lunchtime I check it again & it's working! Well I never: a self-repairing telephone line

I played my first game of squash for 3 years on Thursday, with a friend, who thought she would like to try it. A good combination - a newbie & a 'rusty'. We didn't play for points and I mostly (once I'd remembered how to hit the thing so it made it to the front wall) just hit the ball to her: I didn't want to put her off by running her all over the court. I hit the occasional 'smart' shot to make her do a bit of work & demonstrate things you could do and she enjoyed it and had got the hang of it enough to make me run for a few of her returns, so we may be playing again. My next time will be later next week against another former housemate, who is a very keen player; that will be a just a *bit* harder.
My current favourite sandwich: Chorizo and thinly sliced dill pickles with lime mayonnaise.
the first track, also a single was
From Out Of Nowhere