I don't know what happened there but i spent the last 10 mins typing an update and the computer just closed the tab and deleted it.
Update to follow later, if I can be arsed.

I don't know what happened there but i spent the last 10 mins typing an update and the computer just closed the tab and deleted it.
Update to follow later, if I can be arsed.
Thank You.

My shoulder is doing okies, my range of motion is going alot more slowly than I would like and at the moment I am down with the flu but other than that I am okies. I have a few tests on Friday so I am hoping that I do all right on those, am certain I will if I just figure out the best way to study for them. Anyway, I hope that your shoulder gets better ASAP and you go to the doctor, shoulders are nothing to fuck with you hear me? I know this lol because of recent events.