OK, here's my 20. Hopefully these are occasionally interesting. I may come back and tweak or change some later if I don't feel comfortable about them. They'll do for now
1. I am the eldest of 5 children; three boys, two girls. My youngest sister was born late and is 25. She has a two-year old son and is 5 months older than my eldest niece. I was already into photography when they were born and have loads of pictures that I took when I should have been keeping them out of mischief and instead let them get on with it whilst I *cough* 'recorded for posterity' .
2. I live in a shared house with 4 women. I don't have any say in it , it's just how it's happened - the landlord chooses new tenants when someone moves out.
I like where I am but can't afford even to rent (with all the bills that go with it) and get really depressed in bedsits, as if I'm not bad enough as it is.
4. I find language-based humour amusing, whether it's typos, maloprops or deliberate wordplay - or the stuff that sports commentators come out with.
3. My parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary later this month: woooo-oo
''No, Marty, the parents are fine. It's the kids .... "
5. At school my favourite lessons were English, Art, History and Geography. I was fascinated but baffled by Physics and useless at Maths. I wish I had a better idea of what I might do when I left school, but a staying on for another year was out of the question, I wanted to leave ASAP. I once let off a stinkbomb on the bus taking us to school. Bad idea when you have to share the effects too.
Perhaps i should have thought that one through a little more ...
There were kids hanging out of every window (It was an old-fashioned bus). I got detention for that.
6. I have been a member of Mensa for 10 years. I did their 'coffee time' quiz in the Daily Mail, was curious enough to do a postal one, passed that & was invited to sit the supervised test in London.
7. I am a musical magpie. Whilst I am especially fond of the music I heard whilst I was growing up (The Beatles in particular) I never stopped listening to or liking new stuff whether it's heavy metal or pop. My tastes go from classical through to modern metal bands. I don't like everything I hear, but even some of that has grown on me the more I hear it, and some bands/singers I can't stand (Coldplay, Stereophonics, Franz Ferdinand for instance) have produced the odd tune I like. There is no excuse for James Blunt though.
8. I had a once had a Ziggy Stardust hairstyle, then followed Bowie's changes of style throughout the next two years. Then I had several perms - including at least one Afro
9. The jobs i have had so far include being an apprentice dental technician; paintsprayer - first in the shoe trade then in engineering; assistant caretaker at Leics University residences; catering at the Bank of England - from washing-up to running one of the staff shops, to waiting at several of their 300th anniversary celebrations (twice whilst pissed on the champagne).
10. I had to go to hospital twice when I was young to have things removed that I had put up my nose.
11. I have a sweet tooth - cakes, chocolates, biscuits, failing that anything with excessive sugar levels will do
12.. I can't drive (well I can but failed my test twice & gave up on it). I rarely miss not having a car. Regardless of the above I adore the new VW beetles. If I had a car it would be one of those.
13. Whilst going to tech in Birmingham I often went on the back of my mate's Suzuki. The odd couple. His was the archetypal biker uniform - fringed jacket, oily jeans etc. I was in the 'suedehead' outfit of Levi Sta-prest, Crombie coat and Brogues. Besides my outfit being innapropriate for the back of a bike, it was more usual to see guys wearing our respective attire trying to kill each other
14. I love reading but buy books faster than I can read them - I have a backlog of about 30-40 at the moment. Some of my favourite books are ones we had to read at school.
15. I still have my 1st birthday cards: I was dumbstruck when my parents gave them to me a few years ago
16. I'm a mix of opposites: I'm quite shy & introverted normally but am also a show-off and a clown. I will do mad things to try and amuse others: playing air guitar onstage at a John Peel gig for instance, or taking part in a comedy improvisation show - but hate it when I am caught doing something daft for my own amusement. I can be cautious and pedantic, but also adventurous and impulsive, and sometimes reckless. I can organise and get things done - except where it comes to my own life, especially the 'emotional' side: I am hopeless and have virtually given up on that
17. I am in Greg Friedler's book 'Naked London'. I wouldn't describe the pics as flattering but I'm glad I did the shoot. Something to show that I once existed.
18. I am a lightweight drinker, which is fine by me - 4 pints is about my limit & even then it often makes me feel ill. If I seem to be knocking back more then that they will probably be shandies. I seem to be able to cope with wine and spirits slightly better, but not much. I will try anything I haven't had before though. My worst ever hangover was probably after a night on Mead and Benedictine.
I had my first alcoholic drink (Whisky) aged about 7.
19. I have a passion for Dickinson & Morris pork pies. I also love gourmet sausages, chorizo, French pastries and almost any cheese. My favourite fruit are apples.
20. I am more talkative on here than i usually am in real life. It's not that I want to be uncommunicative, I am hopeless at small talk and I find groups of people, even if I know them, to be slightly intimidating (I am just the same with friends I have known most of my life): I often don't feel I have anything to add and in noisy places not being able to follow conversation very well (probably due to about 30 years of loud concerts) doesn't help - but if it is something I am passionate about I can bore for Britain.
1. I am the eldest of 5 children; three boys, two girls. My youngest sister was born late and is 25. She has a two-year old son and is 5 months older than my eldest niece. I was already into photography when they were born and have loads of pictures that I took when I should have been keeping them out of mischief and instead let them get on with it whilst I *cough* 'recorded for posterity' .
2. I live in a shared house with 4 women. I don't have any say in it , it's just how it's happened - the landlord chooses new tenants when someone moves out.
I like where I am but can't afford even to rent (with all the bills that go with it) and get really depressed in bedsits, as if I'm not bad enough as it is.
4. I find language-based humour amusing, whether it's typos, maloprops or deliberate wordplay - or the stuff that sports commentators come out with.
3. My parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary later this month: woooo-oo

5. At school my favourite lessons were English, Art, History and Geography. I was fascinated but baffled by Physics and useless at Maths. I wish I had a better idea of what I might do when I left school, but a staying on for another year was out of the question, I wanted to leave ASAP. I once let off a stinkbomb on the bus taking us to school. Bad idea when you have to share the effects too.

There were kids hanging out of every window (It was an old-fashioned bus). I got detention for that.
6. I have been a member of Mensa for 10 years. I did their 'coffee time' quiz in the Daily Mail, was curious enough to do a postal one, passed that & was invited to sit the supervised test in London.
7. I am a musical magpie. Whilst I am especially fond of the music I heard whilst I was growing up (The Beatles in particular) I never stopped listening to or liking new stuff whether it's heavy metal or pop. My tastes go from classical through to modern metal bands. I don't like everything I hear, but even some of that has grown on me the more I hear it, and some bands/singers I can't stand (Coldplay, Stereophonics, Franz Ferdinand for instance) have produced the odd tune I like. There is no excuse for James Blunt though.
8. I had a once had a Ziggy Stardust hairstyle, then followed Bowie's changes of style throughout the next two years. Then I had several perms - including at least one Afro

9. The jobs i have had so far include being an apprentice dental technician; paintsprayer - first in the shoe trade then in engineering; assistant caretaker at Leics University residences; catering at the Bank of England - from washing-up to running one of the staff shops, to waiting at several of their 300th anniversary celebrations (twice whilst pissed on the champagne).
10. I had to go to hospital twice when I was young to have things removed that I had put up my nose.
11. I have a sweet tooth - cakes, chocolates, biscuits, failing that anything with excessive sugar levels will do
12.. I can't drive (well I can but failed my test twice & gave up on it). I rarely miss not having a car. Regardless of the above I adore the new VW beetles. If I had a car it would be one of those.
13. Whilst going to tech in Birmingham I often went on the back of my mate's Suzuki. The odd couple. His was the archetypal biker uniform - fringed jacket, oily jeans etc. I was in the 'suedehead' outfit of Levi Sta-prest, Crombie coat and Brogues. Besides my outfit being innapropriate for the back of a bike, it was more usual to see guys wearing our respective attire trying to kill each other
14. I love reading but buy books faster than I can read them - I have a backlog of about 30-40 at the moment. Some of my favourite books are ones we had to read at school.
15. I still have my 1st birthday cards: I was dumbstruck when my parents gave them to me a few years ago

16. I'm a mix of opposites: I'm quite shy & introverted normally but am also a show-off and a clown. I will do mad things to try and amuse others: playing air guitar onstage at a John Peel gig for instance, or taking part in a comedy improvisation show - but hate it when I am caught doing something daft for my own amusement. I can be cautious and pedantic, but also adventurous and impulsive, and sometimes reckless. I can organise and get things done - except where it comes to my own life, especially the 'emotional' side: I am hopeless and have virtually given up on that
17. I am in Greg Friedler's book 'Naked London'. I wouldn't describe the pics as flattering but I'm glad I did the shoot. Something to show that I once existed.
18. I am a lightweight drinker, which is fine by me - 4 pints is about my limit & even then it often makes me feel ill. If I seem to be knocking back more then that they will probably be shandies. I seem to be able to cope with wine and spirits slightly better, but not much. I will try anything I haven't had before though. My worst ever hangover was probably after a night on Mead and Benedictine.

I had my first alcoholic drink (Whisky) aged about 7.
19. I have a passion for Dickinson & Morris pork pies. I also love gourmet sausages, chorizo, French pastries and almost any cheese. My favourite fruit are apples.
20. I am more talkative on here than i usually am in real life. It's not that I want to be uncommunicative, I am hopeless at small talk and I find groups of people, even if I know them, to be slightly intimidating (I am just the same with friends I have known most of my life): I often don't feel I have anything to add and in noisy places not being able to follow conversation very well (probably due to about 30 years of loud concerts) doesn't help - but if it is something I am passionate about I can bore for Britain.

Love and kisses
Michelle xx